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Monday, August 12th 2024, 11:53am



  • "FaeXHeart" started this thread

Posts: 2

Location: Ireland

Occupation: Unemployed due to illness

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New to Allods

Hello :) New player here, still waiting for the game to download as I speak. So what is Allods like? Is there a sizeable playerbase? Enough quest content? I hope to enjoy my time here and thanks in advance for reading and replying to my post ♥


Monday, August 12th 2024, 1:22pm

Hello FaeXHeart! :)

Most people are max level and doing endcontent so you might not be able to see too many people running around through lower level areas. On the F2P Server are more people.
There´s plenty of quest content. Max level is 110 now :)
For a bit faster leveling I would recommend you to join an exp guild. Ask for it in the Capitals (Novograd / Nezebgrad) and usually there´s always someone who invites you into one!

I hope you will have fun and enjoying Allods! :thumbsup:

Greetings! :thumbsup:
Allods Online Discord


Thursday, August 15th 2024, 5:19pm



  • "FaeXHeart" started this thread

Posts: 2

Location: Ireland

Occupation: Unemployed due to illness

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Hello FaeXHeart! :)

Most people are max level and doing endcontent so you might not be able to see too many people running around through lower level areas. On the F2P Server are more people.
There´s plenty of quest content. Max level is 110 now :)
For a bit faster leveling I would recommend you to join an exp guild. Ask for it in the Capitals (Novograd / Nezebgrad) and usually there´s always someone who invites you into one!

I hope you will have fun and enjoying Allods! :thumbsup:

Greetings! :thumbsup:

Thank you so much! It's a beautiful game but as you said there's not many people around the low level areas, that's ok though. I can't believe how many quests there actually are so I'm kept pretty busy regardless of the sparse population. I don't know why more people haven't heard of Allods!I'm finding it fun, the quests full of lore rather than just 'fetch this, kill that' and it is visually stunning!The music tracks are great and there's such a helpful tutorial and information system. :D


Thursday, August 15th 2024, 11:50pm

I`m glad you´re enjoying it! Especially with the right people it really is fun! :thumbsup:

If you need any help with anything or have other questions don´t hesitate to ask here or even in the Allods Discord! :)

Allods Online Discord


Thursday, November 7th 2024, 6:50am

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