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Wednesday, September 25th 2024, 8:06am

New player experience

Not sure if this is just me , or what is going on... I started this game 1 day ago, and the whole atmosphere of it , and the way the classes look and feel really makes me think this game could be good.
So me being super hopeful , came into the game and started looking around for people to ask a few questions : is the game worth it, how much time/money would I need to catch up, specifics about some classes, maybe find a friendly guild... but to my surprise all the 10-15 people I wrote to either did not reply ( people who were moving around,jumping around and so on) , or said they were busy, or did not know English.
So ... is the community of this game like this all the time?


Wednesday, September 25th 2024, 2:06pm

Hello Mondegreen!

I´m sorry that you have experienced this start!
It´s not like this all the time for sure! But sometimes people just don´t want to help anyone sadly. Which Server are you playing on (P2P or F2P) and which side (Empire or League)?
Usually there are many exp guilds which would help you to level up faster and on League side for example on F2P there are many world shouts about it and you should get invited kinda fast if you´re in Novograd.
The "is it worth to play?" question is always hard to answer. There are many people with plenty of cs, high runes which makes it harder for newbies to start. But if you playing for fun with some people you really get along with and if you´re not looking to be top player without cashing it´s fun! There will be some offers for some cs stuff with a certain level which usually are quite good.
I don´t know how the situation is on the P2P Server atm but they used to do endgame things like raids and Dominion too.

I hope that helped for now! If you have any other questions don´t hesitate to ask here in Forum again or on the official Allods Discord too! :thumbsup:

Allods Online Discord


Saturday, October 5th 2024, 6:17am



Posts: 522

Location: Sweden

Occupation: Studying

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I would always suggest joining the official discord to ask or pm individuals on discord :P u can also search about allods online on youtube and see who are the people playing this game to see who to ask and other stuff :D
I am PioPico

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