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Saturday, June 14th 2014, 5:56pm

umbalaced game

well thinking that maybe better after merge but is the same no balanced games was enough for developers to look at velhuru as they were doing in scarlet bastion people getting tired and leaving game pplz wake up or no more than 1 year for allods tyou


Saturday, June 14th 2014, 6:34pm

well thinking that maybe better after merge but is the same no balanced games was enough for developers to look at velhuru as they were doing in scarlet bastion people getting tired and leaving game pplz wake up or no more than 1 year for allods tyou
First of on your English please!!! 20 times it took me to kinda understand what you are trying to say. And secondly, if Allods Online is still the same for you as before the merge, fine...but don't come here and act like you are the whole community stating that people are getting tired and gonna leave because of the reasons you mentioned cause you aren't the community at all!!! You are ONE person who THINKS that (and even if you know more people, that still doesn't represent the entire community)!!! And no more then 1 year for Allods to exist?! For real?! Since when are you a future teller?! How in the world can you know how long something lasts?! Just because YOU think so?! Common pall wake up and come back to reality!!! If you can predict the future, you might as well know when you are going to die no?! Just saying XD

Side Note: This topic was posted in technical issues. Where is the issue here?! Is the issue you not being happy the way things are?! Is this even allowed as technical issue?! O.O


Saturday, June 14th 2014, 8:11pm

well thinking that maybe better after merge but is the same no balanced games was enough for developers to look at velhuru as they were doing in scarlet bastion people getting tired and leaving game pplz wake up or no more than 1 year for allods tyou

i see no problems, game is great, and skirmishes are too, even with lower gear than most players you can still be devastating...
its much better now than with 55 patch

the strong will improve and the weak will fall

(and plz learn se engrish if you search for support here, becauseit will help you getting more accurate answers8o)

--edited my answer to be more accurate!--

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "ALLODS-ONLINE-PLAYER" (Jun 16th 2014, 1:33pm)


Monday, June 16th 2014, 5:55am



Posts: 138

Location: Dublin

Occupation: Senior bottle washer, Madness guild

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Way to hit on the non-English speaker for not knowing English fluently. Do you also give out to clouds for being wet? ;) Funny, considering you don't have an exceptional command of the English language either.

Please be tolerant of the fact that we have players who have come from the Polish and Italian servers as well as a lot of Dutch players who have no native language support within this game. Their English may not be perfect (like yours), but you're just going to have to accept that here.


Monday, June 16th 2014, 1:32pm

its not that we dont accept the fact they do not write well, its their problem cause they might get no / less answers
i dont care how he write as long as i understand at all

and if i dont understand i simply dont answer (dont care too)


Tuesday, June 17th 2014, 8:21am

Way to hit on the non-English speaker for not knowing English fluently. Do you also give out to clouds for being wet? ;) Funny, considering you don't have an exceptional command of the English language either.

Second-language users of English(*) have characteristic patterns of misuse that are very dependent on their native language, and it is easy to identify at least the continent of someone's native language by looking at these patterns. Having re-read the original text, I'd say it was more like an incoherent semi-rant written by a lazy / (something else that's very impolite to say out loud) native English speaker.

(*) This is true of any second language, not just English.
Now f2p 60 Xadaganian summy with 60/60/60 tailor/weaponsmith/alchemist, bleah gear, 555/555 runes
Now p2p 28 Xadaganian avenger with 20 weaponsmith
I'm on an extended break from Allods at the moment, but I'm lurking here to keep up with what's happening. From the looks of things in 5.0.02, I'm better off where I am.

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