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Tuesday, July 1st 2014, 2:52pm

Maintenance 02/07/14 - 5.0.01 update!

Maintenance news 02/07/14


Dear Community,

We have an upcoming downtime on July 2 for maintenance that will take place from 08:00 until 16:00 Central European Time (CET) / July 1, 23:00 to July 2 07:00 PST.

During this downtime the game will be updated to version 5.0.01.

Takes place between 07:00 - 15:00 Western European Time (Ireland, Portugal and UK)
Takes place between 08:00 - 16:00 Central European Time (Hungary, Poland, Italy, Sweden, Netherlands, etc)
Takes place between 09:00 - 17:00 Eastern European Time (Romania, Bulgaria, Estonia, Greece, Turkey etc)
Takes place on July 1 between 23:00 – July 2 07:00 Pacific Standard Time (US)

We will be keeping you updated on the forums about the maintenance.

Kind regards,
-Your Allods Team
The Sky Is Not The Limit, It Is Only The Genesis Of Dreams.
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Tuesday, July 1st 2014, 3:53pm



Posts: 115

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Would it be possible to tell us which hotfix we'll get with this patch?:)


Tuesday, July 1st 2014, 4:12pm

we will get the same version that the Russians have.

The full patch notes will be available tomorrow, after the maintenance.

The Sky Is Not The Limit, It Is Only The Genesis Of Dreams.
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Tuesday, July 1st 2014, 4:51pm



Posts: 164

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version is 5.0.1, not 5.0.01
I don't like you, you don't like me
Its not likely that we'll ever be friends
Why pretend?

They say, "Evil prevails when good men fail to act." What they ought to say is, "Evil prevails."


Tuesday, July 1st 2014, 5:17pm



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Full patch notes after the maintenance? Why =o
Let us have something to read while waiting for the patch. >_<


Tuesday, July 1st 2014, 5:20pm



Posts: 1,349

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Guza, you've been around long enough to know that whoever our "ruler" is is incapable of giving us patch notes until 3 hours into maintenance or after maintenance...

I think they typically tell us:
"We're not sure exactly if anything is going to change DURING the maintenance, so therefore, we don't want to give you incorrect information. Thank you for understanding."

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Hclftw" (Jul 1st 2014, 5:26pm)


Tuesday, July 1st 2014, 5:29pm

Do we atleast have a chance for a manual patch before the servers are back again? ;D


Tuesday, July 1st 2014, 7:53pm



Posts: 361

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version is 5.0.1, not 5.0.01

It is , look your launcher....

Well , Free sub still continue?
Sigmar 95 Demonist Officer of Legacy (Empire / P2P
Also HolyCurves , Malagor , Seya ,Therrettih , MySQL , TheProdigy

Old character
Alaff (90 Warrior F2P)
Alaff (95 Warrior P2P)


Wednesday, July 2nd 2014, 9:36am

Posts: 131

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any Druïds talent/rubies calculator available in english yet? ifso pleaseplease post ¿:) 8o
gaat niet bestaat niet


Wednesday, July 2nd 2014, 10:10am

Well , Free sub still continue?

Given that these announcements usually say that it will, and this time it didn't say that, possibly not.
Now f2p 60 Xadaganian summy with 60/60/60 tailor/weaponsmith/alchemist, bleah gear, 555/555 runes
Now p2p 28 Xadaganian avenger with 20 weaponsmith
I'm on an extended break from Allods at the moment, but I'm lurking here to keep up with what's happening. From the looks of things in 5.0.02, I'm better off where I am.


Wednesday, July 2nd 2014, 1:28pm

I have recently started playing this game and enjoying every minute of it. Granted im unsure if I want to make this my new home. Someone asked about free sub? Is their some way to get a trial free sub so I can see if subscription server is worth paying for to access? Im not exactly p2w friendly and get very frustrated about it in any game I play and was thinking about subbing to avoid the whole p2w game (should make pvp a little more fun)


Wednesday, July 2nd 2014, 1:46pm

Full patch notes after the maintenance? Why =o

Patch notes just released...

Allods Online 5.0.01 Colors of War Patch Notes
1- Added new "Play & Learn" system. We believe that the new system will bring more excitement in to the game. Beside, as u all know "Ignorance is Bliss".


Wednesday, July 2nd 2014, 1:51pm

Erm, RU got a hotfix today. Are we getting that as well? It's a minor fix, it will not be a big deal if we don't get that as well, just wondering.

I'm downloading the patch with the launcher, but it doesn't say which version it is. : ( I'm hoping it is at least. You should all get the download started, because it is quite big.
Colin Quinn Recipe for success/dinner. 1/2 cup of brass you know whats, a tablespoon of I don't give a care, and a pound of get off my back, jack!


Wednesday, July 2nd 2014, 1:54pm



Posts: 197

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I'm downloading the patch with the launcher, but it doesn't say which version it is.

Thanks for letting us know, becuz the game launcher still isnt updating.


Wednesday, July 2nd 2014, 1:55pm


Wednesday, July 2nd 2014, 1:56pm



Posts: 197

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Where are the patch notes?


Wednesday, July 2nd 2014, 2:04pm

This is today's hotfix from RU. Just saying.
Colin Quinn Recipe for success/dinner. 1/2 cup of brass you know whats, a tablespoon of I don't give a care, and a pound of get off my back, jack!


Wednesday, July 2nd 2014, 2:05pm

This is today's hotfix from RU. Just saying.

I don't think so. *.*.**.**.x updates were usually translation updates that were exclusive to a certain language client. Russians have .56 we will still be on .55 as it seems.


Wednesday, July 2nd 2014, 2:10pm

If we get anything after .49, we're good. :D The hotfixes don't follow correct numbering. The last hotfix before today on RU was .49, the next one is .56. I just checked.
Colin Quinn Recipe for success/dinner. 1/2 cup of brass you know whats, a tablespoon of I don't give a care, and a pound of get off my back, jack!


Wednesday, July 2nd 2014, 2:11pm

This is today's hotfix from RU. Just saying.

I don't think so. *.*.**.**.x updates were usually translation updates that were exclusive to a certain language client. Russians have .56 we will still be on .55 as it seems.

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