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Thursday, July 3rd 2014, 7:42pm



  • "GuessItsAmber" started this thread

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Downloading the update

Why is it that when you open the game from the launcher you get a box to check if you want to download the full update only to come up with this after you get done downloading the update

So now I sit and wait for this to get done or sit at

Isnt that check here if you want to download all the files is suppose to stop????


Friday, July 4th 2014, 12:31am



Posts: 670

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This is caused by the pre- or progressive patches. Normaly this should only take some seconds.
Just wait 'till the >launcher< has completed the download.
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Friday, July 4th 2014, 1:02am



Posts: 334

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total nightmare this patch

as a faster/more visible download... click repair then let it download, it's "only" 3.5 mil kbs, so if you have slow net it's just a slap in the face

took me only 7 hours... LOL
Fireofdeath -70 - demonologist
Puffypuf - 65 - furball warden
Rensy - 65 - paladin
Akyrra - 70 - psionicist healer
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Friday, July 4th 2014, 1:26am



  • "GuessItsAmber" started this thread

Posts: 447

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This is caused by the pre- or progressive patches. Normaly this should only take some seconds.
Just wait 'till the >launcher< has completed the download.

But the question is....Isnt that check suppose to just download the whole thing instead of giving you the stupid progressive crap??


Friday, July 4th 2014, 2:46am



Posts: 670

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took me only 7 hours... LOL
7 minutes for me ^^


Isnt that check suppose to just download the whole thing instead of giving you the stupid progressive crap??
The patch ( is about 1,3gb big. After u've download the hole patch, the launcher download and install some hotfixes and other stuff via prepatches.
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Friday, July 4th 2014, 3:10am



Posts: 334

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This is caused by the pre- or progressive patches. Normaly this should only take some seconds.
Just wait 'till the >launcher< has completed the download.

But the question is....Isnt that check suppose to just download the whole thing instead of giving you the stupid progressive crap??

is supposed but it doesnt work, guess that should be forwarded to the developer too

le: no one cares about how much time it takes to download but if i select download all i expect to get it all, not download a part then other parts that are actually 4x bigger than what the patch is supposed to be, progressive download is crap for someone with slower net, hence the option to download all that doesn't work LOL
Fireofdeath -70 - demonologist
Puffypuf - 65 - furball warden
Rensy - 65 - paladin
Akyrra - 70 - psionicist healer
Turquiose - 60 - bard
Springfull - 60 - mage
FoxBee - 31 warden

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "reeah19" (Jul 4th 2014, 3:19am)


Friday, July 4th 2014, 5:50am



  • "GuessItsAmber" started this thread

Posts: 447

Location: In my little corner of YT so stay out of it.

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Isnt that check suppose to just download the whole thing instead of giving you the stupid progressive crap??

The patch ( is about 1,3gb big. After u've download the hole patch, the launcher download and install some hotfixes and other stuff via prepatches.

Then they need to get rid of that download the whole thing because you haven't downloaded the whole thing if it still has to download and install some hotfixes. The WHOLE thing means exactly that, patch, hotfixes...all of it.

Fix it or get rid of it!!!


Saturday, July 5th 2014, 4:01am

Why is it that when you open the game from the launcher you get a box to check if you want to download the full update only to come up with this after you get done downloading the update

So now I sit and wait for this to get done or sit at

Isnt that check here if you want to download all the files is suppose to stop????
Hello Guys,

Had same problem with me, All u have to do is too click the ( repair tool ) it will check your Data then also will auto
download the missing files. Mine had 3Gb of file was missing. Once all file is downloaded it will be okie. Hope i help
your Question. Happy Gaming


Sunday, July 6th 2014, 9:47am

yeah this progressive download thing is annoying. mine says 5k MB and i have slow net,ive spent so much time in this and im thinking of qutting this *peep*! whats the use of downloading the whole 1.3k mb patch when after that,it will give you this progressive *peep* download!!!!!!! *peep*stupid! why not put all in the main download then leave that progressive thing!

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Teppisch" (Jul 9th 2014, 1:24am)


Wednesday, July 9th 2014, 1:20am

is there anyother soultion(my net is horribly slow the 3.5 GB may even take like a 21 hours to download)
is it truly working i wont risk all that for nothing
Jenowin (60 demonoligst f2p server)
Niwnonej(28 psyconist) its reinc :P


Wednesday, July 9th 2014, 1:36am

its kinda a nightmare since 3.5gb is truly so much for my net
anyways thanks for reponds ^_^
Jenowin (60 demonoligst f2p server)
Niwnonej(28 psyconist) its reinc :P


Wednesday, July 9th 2014, 1:44am

sorry for double post
but will that 3.5 GB also include patch 5.0.2 or i will still download it in future?
Jenowin (60 demonoligst f2p server)
Niwnonej(28 psyconist) its reinc :P


Wednesday, July 9th 2014, 2:01am

quite awseome the 3.5 GB is downloading with 15kb/s(must be 55kb/s idk whats with the shty net)
so prolly when am done with download the current patch the 5.0.02 will be aavailble for download XD
Jenowin (60 demonoligst f2p server)
Niwnonej(28 psyconist) its reinc :P

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