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Thursday, July 24th 2014, 6:00pm

Leveling help

Hello I am finding myself constantly stuck while trying to level because im to under leveled for the next zone. I am currently level 47 and stuck with 20k exp left till i can go to the next zone(wandering ilse). previous ive had to spend money to get the scrolls but im finding that i would much prefer to try level without having to do this everytime i get stuck. What do i do to get exp fast around this level without spending cash


Thursday, July 24th 2014, 6:08pm



Posts: 1,349

Location: Wisconsin - USA

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What do i do to get exp fast around this level without spending cash
Grind and spend a lot of time.
Experience scrolls are there to save you time and are not essential.
If you want to level without grinding, you need to use experience scrolls.
It's as simple as that.
Good luck.


Thursday, July 24th 2014, 6:09pm

So you cant just level doing the quest line you will always have to grind somewhere?

Sorry if that is a little rude just im new to the game and and finding it a little annoying that im constantly getting stuck while just doing the basic quest line which i thought would get me from 1-60 just doing that


Thursday, July 24th 2014, 6:10pm



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Thursday, July 24th 2014, 6:12pm


Thursday, July 24th 2014, 6:16pm



Posts: 1,349

Location: Wisconsin - USA

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To be fair, what you're complaining about is not the pay to win part of this game.
This is pay for convenience.
The convenience being that you level faster and more smoothly.
But, to each their own.


Thursday, July 24th 2014, 6:21pm

Essentially it is. i could either spend money to be to able to get to max level or i could grind 70 dragons giving 285 exp per. Since there is no repeatable quests at this location or the last maps that give exp i have to kill mobs


Thursday, July 24th 2014, 6:25pm

Have you done every optional quest and the secondary quest to go to wandering isle?


Thursday, July 24th 2014, 6:27pm

Yep every single optional and secondary quest all the way from isle of revelation to the frontier. When i do my find quest button it is sending me to novo to do a level 7 quest


Thursday, July 24th 2014, 6:59pm



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That has been the case in Allods from the beginning - grinding. I've played allods since lv 40 was the max lvl and I've never seen someone complete zones without either a lot grinding or the help of xp scrolls/lucky moments that often have doubled or even tripled xp gain buff. But every zone has repeatable quests - if not anything else, then the reputation quests, which I use to grind levels on my incarns or if that's not enough I keep killing as high level mobs I can on the zone because they naturally gives more xps per kill.

As other games are not allowed to mention on forums that aren't part of, I won't mention names but quite many other games are a breeze through without much point in playing - you can literally level just by doing the main quest-line in them without even bothering with anything else. Personally I find such games boring because they're too easy - you can in some cases level from 1 to 100 within less than a month.. when I find the most pleasure in questing - a.k.a. to have something to do.

I do admit that I'm no fan of grinding and in higher zones it can occasionally feel overwhelming. My advice is to kill as much as you can while questing and avoid using marks of fate because by skipping those quests easily, you'll loose all the killing xps you'd otherwise gain... especially when most of those quests than can be skipped are the mob grinding ones (kill 40 of that, 20 of those or gain 15 specific drops etc). All in all there's no truly easy way to speed level in Allods other than Lucky Moment "event", which is rather rare now. Some years back in server no longer existing those moments occurred every weekend and people leveled their mains and incarnations super fast.

So if you wish to continue Allods, you either have to get used to the "slow levelling/grinding" fact or spend money on those xp scrolls for a boost. Either way, good luck!
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Thursday, July 24th 2014, 7:05pm



Posts: 1,349

Location: Wisconsin - USA

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So if you wish to continue Allods, you either have to get used to the "slow levelling/grinding" fact or spend money on those xp scrolls for a boost. Either way, good luck!
There is one other way...

Stand in the tower and constantly spam:

"gold plz"

Then you can use this gold to buy xp scrolls.


Thursday, July 24th 2014, 7:09pm

Im not stranger to the grind. I mostly made this post to hopefully find some hints and tricks to what im doing wrong. Thankyou for the details response :D very helpful as i found Hclftw's guidance very well lacking


Thursday, July 24th 2014, 7:13pm



Posts: 1,349

Location: Wisconsin - USA

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Thursday, July 24th 2014, 7:26pm

I have been :D every single quest in every zone ( im a bit of perfectionist like that) but still finding i get stuck. After talking to a friend they told me they do the dungeons a few times but recently they have changed so you can only do the dungeons once a day which might be part of the reason im struggling

(this was a response to the person who deleted there post =/ haha)


Thursday, July 24th 2014, 7:34pm

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This game is all about TIME or CASH
so make your choice :P


Thursday, July 24th 2014, 8:41pm

I have been :D every single quest in every zone ( im a bit of perfectionist like that) but still finding i get stuck. After talking to a friend they told me they do the dungeons a few times but recently they have changed so you can only do the dungeons once a day which might be part of the reason im struggling
(this was a response to the person who deleted there post =/ haha)

Yeah, sorry, i read that you have done every quests, so my message was useless ;).

That's right, lvl 40 dungeons were nice at a point to get to lvl 41 and sometimes 42 very quickly. Too bad there are not ingame anymore.

Good luck with your leveling.
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Friday, July 25th 2014, 8:10am

"avoid using marks of fate because by skipping those quests easily, you'll loose all the killing xps you'd otherwise gain"

Pff... If I have a MoF-able quest to kill N mobs, I kill N-1 mobs (getting XP for them) then use the MoFs to finish the quest, getting the full used-MoFs bonus XP, the quest-hand-in XP, and N-1 mobs' worth of XP.

(If it's N weaksauce mobs and M strong mobs, kill M strongs and N-1 weaks because the strongs are worth more XP...)
Now f2p 60 Xadaganian summy with 60/60/60 tailor/weaponsmith/alchemist, bleah gear, 555/555 runes
Now p2p 28 Xadaganian avenger with 20 weaponsmith
I'm on an extended break from Allods at the moment, but I'm lurking here to keep up with what's happening. From the looks of things in 5.0.02, I'm better off where I am.


Friday, July 25th 2014, 9:00am



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You can try p2p, its 100% sure you dont need to grind at anypoint of the leveling phase ^^

Viuhti Lvl 65 Full Healer (p2p) - Guild Leader of NwA, Master afker (Downfall lies!)
Nyyti Lvl 60 Kanian Ranger (f2p)

NwA webpage:

-Only way to learn the game is by getting your ass kicked


Friday, July 25th 2014, 9:58am

You can try p2p, its 100% sure you dont need to grind at anypoint of the leveling phase ^^

If they didn't changed it you would still need to grind at lv ~34 and 39. But on the other hand, I leveld my healer when goblinball would still open and when a rhino was still super-rare


Friday, July 25th 2014, 1:37pm

i made an account on the russian server to test out the new engineer, first thing i notice was 640 premium crystals in my item shop bag. the cost of xp scrolls there are 10 premium crystals, but that would be your choice if you spent them on xp scrolls. i also noticed there was 4 days left on a 100% xp/reputation lucky moment.

what do they give newbies here ? umm yea ...

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