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Is that not exactly how the f2p server is?
Pay if you want?
(and i was thinking about potato salad - if You know what i mean
I never even thought of this way...but I think you hit the nail on the head with this statement.
Sub server is just an option for those who dont want to play on free to play, its a demo of the free to play server, where you cant get half the things you can get there, so you expect anyone to pay to play for a demo version ?
Sub server is just an option for those who dont want to play on free to play, its a demo of the free to play server, where you cant get half the things you can get there, so you expect anyone to pay to play for a demo version ?
MMO games are all about time spent playing, buying advantage or speed-up with money is not okay, it's against the very principles.
I absolutely disagree with that. Most of those "half the things" are actually very bad and breaking the game. To name a few:
battle mounts (not all mounts with abilities, just the ones able to do damage or with over the top, hack-like speed)
In sub server they cant make sales, they gets like what 10 euros a month from a player there? why would they even care about a money sink server that provides no revenue when on free to play they get their wallets filled?
Sub server is just an option for those who dont want to play on free to play, its a demo of the free to play server, where you cant get half the things you can get there, so you expect anyone to pay to play for a demo version ?