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Tuesday, August 19th 2014, 8:11pm

Surreal keys - any way to stabilize more than 4 / week?

Surreal keys - any way to stabilize more than 4 / week?
i guess no, but maybe there is still some possibility?


Tuesday, August 19th 2014, 8:20pm



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Tuesday, August 19th 2014, 10:20pm

Surreal keys - any way to stabilize more than 4 / week?
i guess no, but maybe there is still some possibility?

I don't get it, things like Replicators that became pretty much obsolete come 5.0 with so little keys per week are still there and something that would actually be useful and make a difference - like item stabilizing a surreal key, doesn't exist.


Tuesday, August 19th 2014, 11:43pm


Friday, August 22nd 2014, 10:12am



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Why do you need more I have 134 or so and increasing...


Friday, August 22nd 2014, 10:36am



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Why do you need more I have 134 or so and increasing...
They aren't wanting that number to increase they are wanting it to decrease.


Friday, August 22nd 2014, 2:58pm

I don't get it, things like Replicators that became pretty much obsolete come 5.0 with so little keys per week are still there and something that would actually be useful and make a difference - like item stabilizing a surreal key, doesn't exist.

yes, its really weird, im sure many ppl would be willing to buy items to activate the surreal keys faster

Why do you need more I have 134 or so and increasing...

if they stack it means you have not used all your astralkeys (for example cause you did not have enough time for playing) but instead of beeing lost you can still use them, but have to wait for it since only 4 / week can be restored
so to use all your keys it would take you 33,5 weeks...

i dont see any reason to limit the SURREAL keys at all anyway...


Friday, August 22nd 2014, 10:33pm

I don't get it, things like Replicators that became pretty much obsolete come 5.0 with so little keys per week are still there and something that would actually be useful and make a difference - like item stabilizing a surreal key, doesn't exist.

yes, its really weird, im sure many ppl would be willing to buy items to activate the surreal keys faster

Why do you need more I have 134 or so and increasing...

if they stack it means you have not used all your astralkeys (for example cause you did not have enough time for playing) but instead of beeing lost you can still use them, but have to wait for it since only 4 / week can be restored
so to use all your keys it would take you 33,5 weeks...

i dont see any reason to limit the SURREAL keys at all anyway...

would pose an unfair advantage, for some of the more "connected" people in the game


Saturday, August 23rd 2014, 2:02am

I still think the "No." was the only answer needed in this thread.


Sunday, August 24th 2014, 1:09am

basically my question is answered but i still welcome any constructive discussion about this...


Sunday, August 24th 2014, 4:57am

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so like ... :sleeping:

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "PvPArtistNori" (Aug 24th 2014, 5:35am)


Sunday, August 24th 2014, 11:18am

would pose an unfair advantage, for some of the more "connected" people in the game

Still much less than the mirror copy. They should remove mirror copy and replace it with item stabilizing a key, of course make it more expensive.

Items like mirror copy are cancer. They make people not actually play.


Sunday, August 24th 2014, 12:34pm

would pose an unfair advantage, for some of the more "connected" people in the game

Still much less than the mirror copy. They should remove mirror copy and replace it with item stabilizing a key, of course make it more expensive.

Items like mirror copy are cancer. They make people not actually play.

tbh i was very surprised myself that there were mirror copys sold for gear this soon...
i also dont think its a good thing to sell those :S

since you can gear solo now there is no "excuse" for mirror copys

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