Well then, Patch 5.0.01 is just around the corner. Time to update the list of addons. There will be
Recommended addons, which I use or would use,
Other Working Addons, that work well, but I don't use and I think they're not that important and
Broken Addons, that are either deprecated or simply won't work with these version.Most of the addons can be downloaded from alloder.pro.
Some addons are free and you can download them right away. But for others you'll have to pay. Altough most of you won't have trouble using a credit card, some of you will encounter problems, either the website does not accept your credit card, or your bank does not want to do business with the website. In these cases, there's not a lot of things you can do.
Recommended Addons
- AddonsTools r82
AddonsTools is a Super Addon, that is required for other addons to work, such as ShipControl, TargetsManager, AlchemyPro and other addons created by icreator. It also allows you to load/unload other addons, including System Addons. So please be cautios when using it.
- AddPanel r7 - Paid
AddPanel is a very useful addon, which adds an extra 12 Action Slots. They are identical with the implicit ones, they work the same, the only difference being that they don't have a key shortcut attached.
Note: With patch 5.01, we'll get an additional 12 Action Slots by default, so this addon is not very relevant anymore. But it still works if you need 36 slots 
- AirShip 1.7 - Paid
AirShip is a useful addon if you plan to travel a lot in Astral.. which most of you will do. It will display a Minimap of the Astral Hub when you're flying your ship. It also has alerts, but I don't know exactly what for and I think they're only in Russian. I didn't test this a lot, but I'll do it once the patch is live.
Note: I didn't have the chance to test it on 5.01, but the description says it was fixed for this update. I'll test it once we get the patch.
- AlchAma 2.6
AlchAma is for those alchemists that are doing the Amalgam quest. It will display a panel where you can see how many mobs of each of the four types you killed, whitout having to check the quest log or hover over the item in the bag.
- AlchemyHelper 1.0b - Paid
AlchemyHelper will make crafting potions faster. Everytime you brew a potion, you will be able to see the posible results and exactly how to turn the "drums" in order to get them.
Note: I didn't have the chance to test it on 5.01, but the description says it was fixed for this update. I'll test it once we get the patch.
- AOandLocker r2
AOandLocker will lock the Action Bar, so that you won't accidentally move spells from one place to another. It will also lock various draggable elements of addons that support AOandLocker (AddPanel, BarrierDamageHelper etc)
- AOPanelMod r2.3
AOPanelMod is a handy addon that does almost nothing by itself, but combined with the right addons, it can ease your life in Allods. It will add a (transparent) bar at the top of your screen, where other addons can display various info. It works best in combination with InfoPanel. Other addons that work with it are NISV, AOandLocker, FittingRoom and probably others.
- AoUMeter r12.4
AoUMeter (I believe it comes from Allods Online Ultimate Meter), is a damage meter that replaces the well-known DarkDPSMeter. It also acts as a Healing Meter(measuring heals) and Defence Meter(measuring the damage taken by party members). Very very useful.
Note: It works with 5.01, but I didn't have the time to test it in raids.
- AutoMountFeed r8
Automatically feeds active mount, when less than 1 minute to exhaustion. You can select which mounts you want to be automatically fed.
- BarrierDamageHelper r9 - Paid
BarrierDamageHelper is a class-specific addon, created for Paladins. It helps managing your barriers, displaying a nice GUI. You can see exactly how much of your current HP each barrier would take if it would pop, as well as see a percentage of the HP you will lose if all the current barriers would pop.
- BuffAnnounce r28 - Paid
BuffAnnounce is a very handy addon, both in PvP and PvE. It's a unit detector, but it also displays some of the most important buffs/debuffs a target can have. There's a video of it on the addon page.
- BuildManager 2.05
BuildManager helps with managing different builds. You can save and restore a build configuration (talents, rubbies, and action bars) at a glance.
- Calculator r01
Calculator.. well.. it's a calculator, but not with a fancy UI. You have to type the operations and the addon will try to give you the answer, if it can. Helpful when you have to calculate prices.
- Cartographer 2.1.1
Cartographer will enhance your map with various markers, the most usefull of them being the location of the gems needed for the Lvl 40 class-quest that gives a ruby as a reward.
- CastBarMod r4.2 - Paid
This addon will make the Casting Bar a bit more useful, displaying the icon of the spell/item used and the total duration of the cast. It can also be moved by using the command /dndcast.
- ClearHotBars(temporary download link)
Simple addon that will clear your actionbars with the command "/clearhotbars". You can choose to clear the right-hand actionbar with the command "/clearhotbarsall". Does not clear the action bar from AddPanel or the last 12 slots that were added in 5.02 (yet). Addon created by me, using mediafire because I never submitted it to alloder.pro
- ConfigWindow r5
A Supper Addon that does nothing by itself, but if other addons are configured to work with it, it becomes a powerful Settings addon, from where you can change the settings of other addons. KillAnnounce is one of the supported addons. Use /cw to open the window.
- CrystalHelmetAutoEquip r1.2
This is an addon for the lazy ones. It will automatically equip your Crystal Helmet when you aproach the entrace to the TkaRik cave, and remove it once you're out of the cave.
- CurrenciesInfo
This addon will display the most important currencies on your screen, whitout you having to open the Currencies Panel or check your bag for gold. It inclues all the currencies found in the Currency Panel and some other important items like crystal chips, Specks of Light and gold. You can configure which ones you want to display and also move the panel.
Note: It works well on RU server, but it might not behave properly on our version. I'll test it after the patch and localise it if needed.
- DnDForAuc 3
Simple addon that will let you move the Auction House window as you please.
- DnDForCheckRoom 1
Simple addon that will let you move the Wardrobe window as you please.
Simple addon that counts gold/xp per second/minute.
- EquipInfo r16 - Paid
EquipInfo replaces GemsInfo. It will display a list of gear and gems of your target (or your gear and gems, if you have no target). For lvl 60 upgradable items, it can also display possible combinations of amalgam and upgraders to get the item to the next quality level.
- FittingRoom r10
FittingRoom is a very useful addon. You can see how a certain vanity item would look on you whitout having it. Shift+Click on a link from the chat and the window will pop-up, displaying you with the fancy vanity you're interested in.
- FocusOnMe r5 - Paid
This addon will show you a list of the characters (Mobs or Players) that are targetting you.
- InfoPanel r9 - Paid
InfoPanel will display various information on your screen (like the amount of gold you have, free bag slots, myrrh etc), either in it's own window, or in combination with AddPanel. Some items might not display properly because of localisation.
- InfoPlayerBuffDebuff r6 - Paid
This addon will display the most important buffs of yourself or your target in movable windows.