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I'm going to like yaFootball (Soccer for the US based members.. not hand egg )
Anyway, welcome to Allods and this sometimes disturbing community ;D
Have you played Allods before, or are you a fresh starter?
öncelikle hoş geldin bizde bi elvanmage vardı onu hatırladım gözlerim yaşardı o an
onun dediğini de ama yaptığını yapma kardasım
hoşgelmişsin safalar getirmişssin hepimiz için hayırlısı olsun
(sorry had to run that through google for the rest of us)Quoted
Welcome primarily bi elvanmag us had tears in my eyes it was remembered that moment
Do not do it, but he is also my kardas
they're pure're welcome getirmişs be good for all of us
Hey Dan
Welcome on board!
What a time to join!
Still, welcome.
Welcome, dude.
Feel free to ask any questions you may have.
Empire or League?
Welcome, now do your magic.
You can create a great community by asking ur team to get back to players and helping ppl to get back their characters they put years to develop.
Right now this transfer has an awful start and demotivated players who are already looking for others games...
Welcome tho.......
Welcome!! I hope we can have a lot of fun here with everyone.
What are some of your favorite bands if you don't mind me asking? I love listening to alot of music aswell
Ah, nice to hear from an English GM. Welcome, looking forward to the coming period!
Hi and welcome! ^_^
If you're Wraith02, who was Wraith01? Did you have a fight to the death with him?
Looking forward to meeting you in game.
Already not having a good experience. 4 years of playing and I find it the worst experience anyone could have.
to make sure you all have a good experience here.
This isn't you is it?