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Wednesday, October 8th 2014, 12:52am

How to subscribe to Smuggler's Paradise?

How do I subscribe to Smuggler's Paradise, the Pay-to-Play server? And is it all French players only? Because their forum is completely in French; I can't read any of it if there are actually directions there. That's why I came to general, sorry.

How much money is Smuggler's Paradise per month? I would greatly prefer to avoid the F2P server with its huge "pay to win" basis. And who is publishing Allods now that GPotato has (thankfully) gone? Is it still some scammy price to pay on the sub server where you have to pay way more money than the sub fee just to try the game for a month like GPotato made people do? (What a way to scare new players off, sheesh!)

Okay, sorry to bother anyone but mail.RU really doesn't make it easy. There are no instructions on the site that I could find at all. And I want to make sure I'm paying for an English-speaking server if that's still possible. Where is Smuggler's Paradise even hosted nowadays? Didn't they merge NA with EU some time back?


Wednesday, October 8th 2014, 1:37am


There is an EN forum section for Smugglers Paradise too :

And even an EN FAQ for this server :…d&threadID=2145

I think that there is some international players on P2P server, at least there is one, Jinxed :D. is the new publisher, which is a part of, original RU publisher of this game. Servers are located in the Netherlands, EU. Server time is CEST (UTC+2 in summer).

All EU, FR, DE, NA, Turkish, Italian, Polish and recently Arabic communities have been merged into a unique F2P server (New Frontier) and a unique P2P server (Smugglers Paradise).

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Wednesday, October 8th 2014, 1:39am



Posts: 193

Location: Sarnaut

Occupation: Translator

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Hello :)

To subscribe for the sub server, firstly you need to buy crystals. Unlike gPotato you can write the amount you'd like to purchases. You can then use those crystals to buy subscription from this page:
There is a full FAQ here :) Sub Server FAQ and the English forum section dedicated to the sub server is here Sub Server Forum Section The server itself is international so there are many different languages spoken, but there is always a strong English presence on both servers and with current attempts to revive things I'm certain you will find English speaking players to play with. The sub server has been merged with the old NA sub server. It's now located in the Netherlands.

Allods is now being published by It is the international version of and belongs to them.

Also, you can choose to hide the other language forums and display only the English ones.
Go to Edit Profile --> Management --> Forums on/off and simply un-tick those that you do not wish to see.

I hope this answered your questions :)


Wednesday, October 8th 2014, 2:07am

Thanks a bunch, and thanks very much for the warm welcome! I will definitely be signing up for this!

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