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This post has been edited 70 times, last edit by "Tonal" (Oct 28th 2015, 4:14pm)
Added item "Wonderful Ark". Using his character below level 60, you can immediately begin a comfortable passage of the current plot location. Your level will rise to 60 and you get all the necessary equipment to continue to explore the world. Race praydenov can use an item only when you select the faction.
It's just google, but
Added item "Wonderful Ark". Using his character below level 60, you can immediately begin a comfortable passage of the current plot location. Your level will rise to 60 and you get all the necessary equipment to continue to explore the world. Race praydenov can use an item only when you select the faction.
I hope thex just forgot to deleteit from the PTS notes and this is not actually sold in the cash-shop
Why?It's just google, but
Added item "Wonderful Ark". Using his character below level 60, you can immediately begin a comfortable passage of the current plot location. Your level will rise to 60 and you get all the necessary equipment to continue to explore the world. Race praydenov can use an item only when you select the faction.
I hope thex just forgot to deleteit from the PTS notes and this is not actually sold in the cash-shop
i try to see this as a postive thing since the ones which buy this will be tactical zeros most likely and thus "free kills" in BGs
i try to see this as a postive thing since the ones which buy this will be tactical zeros most likely and thus "free kills" in BGs
How on earth is that good? It's rotten and wrong on so many levels. It's supposed to be a competition. No competition is no fun.
Also, imagine those "tactical zeros" pop up on your team.
The accounts will still be sold because they often have CS items, gear or are max level which the chars that have been boosted with the item are not. I don't think it will prevent account selling in any way because the item will probably be expensive as hell.