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This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Kuekas" (Nov 11th 2014, 11:13pm)
player starts on normal server, uses a lot of boostitems, gears (also with boost or even get carried) and then changes server...
would you accept / like that?
i think its does not fit the idea of payserver where everyone is totally equal except for gear
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Lioo" (Nov 12th 2014, 1:47pm)
Quoted from "Kuekas"
Thats why hundreads gave up allods, IT'S A PAY TO WIN THE F2P SERVER AND THE MOST EXPENSIVE GAME:
Quoted from "Kuekas"
Or paying 42€ for a year of play and get the same mounts you can get on 1000€ scam strongboxes for mounts?
so it is normal that many new players are afraid from that, or just dont want to spend such a long time farming to get those stuff, and want a competitive endgame without waiting several months until they can go BG and not be instakilled.
so yes, i prefer paying 0 € and have the full game after some time over paying 42 € and have a shareware-version forever; any time!
im always fascinated by people who brag they never spent a dime on this game, like something just seems off to me.
since when does payserver have the same mounts? it does not even have pegasus, right?
i also do not farm 24/7, its the opposite, i have relatively low time for playing...
matter too, thats why i love allods... i get a "reward" for beeing an active player![]()
for, even if i would play 24/7 i would have more to do than i could ever do... you get my point?
i like unbalanced pvp,
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Cheui" (Nov 13th 2014, 9:41am)
To improve my char i can make my own allods, i can also take the draconics, participate in events like the races (much more fun and balanced), the most amazing thing on this games is that you can do alot od stull in late game. So please don say the "stupid thing" that having to farm for months to have a regular char is more fun...really stop![]()
f2p, P2P, population