^ agrees- no more resetting mobs in emergency situations and to also get a debuff on your main range skills is stupid. The mele boost and ranged skill debuff from invis should be optional. As a mainly range pvper u needed vanish with no debuff to lose target from your foes but with increased cd on main shots it's sorta gonna kill the fun of ranged pvp.
goodluck to all who enjoy mele but I picked a ranged class not a frontline mele- so allods get back to an archer being ranged viable in pvp. Yes we are op this patch but it just does not feel like I am playing a scout anymore, feels like a pally warrior hybrid.
Love the damage increase but u sorta broke a scout- scouts meant to be swift stealthy and ranged.
P.S. They also have killed kiting with the long cast times cool downs on even our suposed spam attack-intuative shot/solid shot- so gg