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Friday, November 14th 2014, 11:34pm

New invisibility is not satisfying

old invis was over 30 sec... new is so short and cannot be extended
i am disappointed :(
being invisible as scout always was fun...


Saturday, November 15th 2014, 12:58am



Posts: 36

Location: Australia

Occupation: Carpenter/cabinetmaker

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^ agrees- no more resetting mobs in emergency situations and to also get a debuff on your main range skills is stupid. The mele boost and ranged skill debuff from invis should be optional. As a mainly range pvper u needed vanish with no debuff to lose target from your foes but with increased cd on main shots it's sorta gonna kill the fun of ranged pvp.
:) goodluck to all who enjoy mele but I picked a ranged class not a frontline mele- so allods get back to an archer being ranged viable in pvp. Yes we are op this patch but it just does not feel like I am playing a scout anymore, feels like a pally warrior hybrid.

Love the damage increase but u sorta broke a scout- scouts meant to be swift stealthy and ranged.

P.S. They also have killed kiting with the long cast times cool downs on even our suposed spam attack-intuative shot/solid shot- so gg
Bunnyz formerly Reirei formerly Dayoffx currently Accendancy scout


Saturday, November 15th 2014, 1:10am

for pvp-fun its not bad to go invis all 4 seconds, it can be fun, but it was also fun to STAY invis
when i read the patchnotes i really hoped scout can be PERMA-invis as long as not attacking or something :(

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "ALLODS-ONLINE-PLAYER" (Nov 15th 2014, 1:30am)


Saturday, November 15th 2014, 10:13am



Posts: 135

Location: Bucharest

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for melee it's too good, with rubies you can stealth every 5 seconds. 50% damage increase is a lot. i'm sorry for ranged, but I'm enjoying my melee scout like I haven't done in a long time. plus, ranged has an easier time getting to stamina rubies and higher dps, so dunno if you guys needed invis that much.
Effreti - 75 Scout Empire - 75 Paladin - 75 Druid - New frontier
Walk softly and carry a big gun!


Sunday, November 16th 2014, 12:57am

I tried both approach to pvp so far and for me invisibility could make ranged scout complete.There is something wrong with not being able to vanish while kiting some enemy and then shooting him from the place he least expected you to be.Remaining hidden and not attracting attention was a huge part of being a ranged scout and now its kinda just running and gunning.You can still make a valid ranged build with stamina/armor rubies or greet a charging warr with a swingout, but nothing beats good ol` invisibility^^
Never give up as long as you have at least one arrow!


Sunday, November 23rd 2014, 6:57pm

Tbh Im now trying to run a ranged build with bandit.Its still fun but invisibility here is like a last chance escape plan given that you survive next 5s without attacking anyone.Using bandit actively demands swiching it on and off almost all the time to be invisible in right moments, and not having the horrible cooldowns/cast times on ranged skills.It makes fighting quite uncomfortable due to how dynamic scout is, but its worth trying in open world pvp or spacious bgs:)
Never give up as long as you have at least one arrow!


Monday, November 24th 2014, 4:11am

Tbh Im now trying to run a ranged build with bandit.Its still fun but invisibility here is like a last chance escape plan given that you survive next 5s without attacking anyone.Using bandit actively demands swiching it on and off almost all the time to be invisible in right moments, and not having the horrible cooldowns/cast times on ranged skills.It makes fighting quite uncomfortable due to how dynamic scout is, but its worth trying in open world pvp or spacious bgs:)

i came to a similar conclusion,hybrid builds are very interesting here 8o
its intersting to use bow in killer state along with aura of ferocity since the armor reduction penalty is only active in killer state; since you dont have energy aura then you dont have enough energy anyway so the longer cd is acceptable sometimes, since you must wait for energy anyway


Monday, November 24th 2014, 7:38pm



Posts: 2

Location: K!nGDom ♡ Hearts

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ranged scout ruined. invisibility is one of the core skill for this class.
I cant call this scout an scout anymore
we better call the bard an scout, they can hide longer

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