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Thursday, November 27th 2014, 12:23pm



  • "Mhuldoon" started this thread

Posts: 567

Location: Galway, Ireland

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Hour of the Awakening: Discussion

While the Elves of Sarnaut are regarded as vain and self-absorbed, they are not incapable of outer reflection on matters that do not involve mere beauty. The Hour of the Awakening is testament to this, as it is a historical celebration of the legendary moment where the first of the reborn Elves opened their eyes and gazed upon the new world for the very first time.

A thousand years couldn't wash this moment from Elven memory - and its importance is strong enough to encourage all Elves to pause the 'Great Game' in order to celebrate - something war, strife, and even pure beauty itself cannot do.

During the Hour of the Awakening, every elf who visits Colette de Blizare between November 27th and December 3rd will be offered special wares at a huge discount!

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Mhuldoon" (Nov 27th 2014, 1:41pm)

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