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This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Gladia" (Mar 1st 2015, 12:23pm) with the following reason: title
are all the cash shop mounts available on the p2p servers as well as the f2p servers? I have a thing for mounts and also I saw a fox that available yet? or is that coming in the same patch as the new race? >.>
Thanks for the info, I guess if its the cash shop items that are drawing my interest f2p is the way to go. If I were to make a character, and buy that nice cat mount while it's on offer..would it be kept on that character when I change race? like, I wouldnt lose anything right? and how much is a race change btw? >.>
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "ALLODS-ONLINE-PLAYER" (Nov 30th 2014, 9:42pm)
Thanks for the info, I guess if its the cash shop items that are drawing my interest f2p is the way to go. If I were to make a character, and buy that nice cat mount while it's on offer..would it be kept on that character when I change race? like, I wouldnt lose anything right? and how much is a race change btw? >.>
On p2p cat mount is one of the better ones
how to get it there?
i only know dog can be obtained from AM-raid
Astral Cat has a chance of dropping on astral islands.
Regular version has a chance of dropping from red bosses in Wild Shore's red zones (at least that's what I heard, never seen it).
Does anyone know if Pridens will be able to become Templars? >.> or where I can find such information
Hi, the new race, Pridens, will be released in the next patch 6.0 a couple of months from now. It is possible to change race so you can start leveling an elf, and change race to Priden in 6.0, so long as you choose one of the classes available to it. Pridens can be Warriors, Scouts, Wardens, Bards and Mages, and after 6.0.1 they can also be Healers and Paladins. I hope this helps