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I hope it is as last update, 51 - 55.
Was like 4hours or something, i guess allods will be up tonight :3
Else tomorrow (:
Btw, can´t wait to lay my hands on heart of world :<
Sorry man, can't live without Allods. If 5 i am afraid i won't survive it. In other news: when do we meet GM Vodka?Who cares who long it takes 2 days 5 days, it doesn't matter, all that matters is that it's done right
Sorry man, can't live without Allods. If 5 i am afraid i won't survive it. In other news: when do we meet GM Vodka?Who cares who long it takes 2 days 5 days, it doesn't matter, all that matters is that it's done right
Private servers of the game exist if you can't live without it for that long
will there be a new launcher? or will the same launcher that ive known and loved work after the merge and transfer?
havnt found anything on this topic yet so here i am inquireing