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Sunday, December 14th 2014, 3:12am

I'm stuck in the EULA thing

I can't click anything in the EULA window , nor scroll down to accept the conditions


Sunday, December 14th 2014, 3:33am


Do you play in Windowed mode or full screen mode ?
Which launcher do you use ? ( launcher, or Allods launcher in "Allods Online/bin" folder).
If it is the launcher, are you logged in (your email account should appear on top left of the launcher) ?
Have you try to close the game with alt F4, kill all the processus related to the game (, myComGames.exe, AOGame.exe etc.), and start again ?
Do you launch the game in administrator mode ?
Do you use the scroll button of your mouse to scroll down, or click on the little bar to drop it to the bottom of the EULA ?

This is the first time i read this, that's why i'm asking so many questions ;).
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Sunday, December 14th 2014, 7:01am

thanks fot the reply (:

I play in windowed mode, and i tried with both launchers.
In the launcher I am certainly logged in.
I already tried to close the game with alt F4, and all the ways to get to the bottom of the window too.


Sunday, December 14th 2014, 1:56pm


What is your antivirus ? Avast antivirus has a lot of troubles with Allods.
What is your Operating System ?
Did you restart your computer at least once ?

I would suggest to try in full screen mode (alt+enter) so that you are sure that the active window is the Allods one, and launching the game in administrator mode.
If nothing work, i think the best solution is asking the customer support :

Good luck, may be someone else will have the solution.
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Sunday, December 14th 2014, 5:18pm

if you have some protection that prevents allods from hooking the input on low level this may be the reason

(allods uses dinput8.dll, also allow the game to load this dll if its not enabled by default)

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "ALLODS-ONLINE-PLAYER" (Jan 21st 2015, 4:58am)


Wednesday, January 21st 2015, 4:01am


(allods uses dinput8.dll, also allow th game to load this dll if its not enabled by default)
How do you do that ? Can you be more precise ?
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Wednesday, January 21st 2015, 4:58am


(allods uses dinput8.dll, also allow the game to load this dll if its not enabled by default)
How do you do that ? Can you be more precise ?

some ppl have protection software ("antivirus") which must be set to allow keyboard / mouse hooking
but if the OP does not have this kind of protection-software it wont be the problem i guess :S


Thursday, January 22nd 2015, 4:49pm


Ok, thank you.

We had a french player with this issue. It occurs that he was playing on a laptop.
He installed the game again, tried with a mouse instead of the touchpad, and it works.
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Monday, July 20th 2015, 4:58pm

I had this exact prob.
I grabbed the mouse off of my computer and hooked it into my laptop (after trying several different things in formatting) and it worked.
Thanks for the help!


Saturday, January 5th 2019, 10:12pm

Same issue, dummy-me forgot to turn my mouse on, was still using touch pad... game has a fail-safe to test us. LOL
First response asking lots of questions, "Do you use the scroll button of your mouse to scroll down..." was an epiphany. Thx Gladia!

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