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Just wondering if something happened to a GM.
To be more specific im concerned about the GM responsible to turn Lucky moments ON/OFF.
Hope nothing serious happened to him(If you are alright,turn LM´s ON to let us know)
I'm pretty sure in KoE every mob drops loot.
If you belong to the most stubborn group of people ever and simply must obtain gold by (most fun method imo) - killing mobs, I suggest making best single target build possible for your class and kill mobs 1 by 1 in KoE with it. They still drop loot off of every kill, plus you also get KoE relics that you can turn into symbols of gold.
GM's are in good health and are working on something special for everyone that'll be given in the next few days, so stay tuned.
Im just curious, what is your gearscore? coz from 55k+ i coulda pulled so many mobs, and now as 61k+, i can kill 20+ mobs at once, so why 1 by1? is the recovering time or something?yeah i enjoy farming if i have enough time for it, i also farm sometimes in KOE but 1 by 1 farming just is not the same thing if you know what i mean
(and im pretty sure you know )
probably depents on class for example iam warden so aoe farming would be pretty retardet in my case and the mobs are one or twohit anyway
Im just curious, what is your gearscore? coz from 55k+ i coulda pulled so many mobs, and now as 61k+, i can kill 20+ mobs at once, so why 1 by1? is the recovering time or something?yeah i enjoy farming if i have enough time for it, i also farm sometimes in KOE but 1 by 1 farming just is not the same thing if you know what i mean
(and im pretty sure you know )