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Thursday, December 25th 2014, 1:32am

winter holiday

ive just tried on the p2p server and i loged on as an imp and i found out that you can buy frosty winter wings for 2 plat in the capital as an part of the winter event can u do that on league f2p to or is it just an p2p thing ( or just an imp thing) just wondering.

if it is able can you please tell me where?
grodangordon lvl 65 gibberling seer league (p2p)
grodangordon lvl 60 gibberling seer league (f2p)
elisahh lvl 60 elf mage league (renic) (f2p)
minnah lvl 60 kania mechanic league (renic) (f2p)
8o :thumbsup:


Thursday, December 25th 2014, 9:44am



Posts: 193

Location: Sarnaut

Occupation: Translator

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This is only a P2P thing. It is available to the League too from the dancing Holiday girls. On F2P you can buy the wings from the cash shop.

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