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[Coldberg] Can't find Quartermaster for Free traders
I was hoping to buy respected gear from the Free Traders Quartermaster but I can't seem to find one. There are none in Eljune and the one I saw in Swinderville, Coldberg only sells helms. Where do we go to get the rest of the set?
The other stuff it's other reputation in Avilon, Dragon rings and Yazes
Lysonia - Requiem, guilde Française - Empire (Evolution)
The other stuff it's other reputation in Avilon, Dragon rings and Yazes
So free traders reputation is only good for a helm? ><
Lysonia - Requiem, guilde Française - Empire (Evolution)
blah I see >< I remember there used to be a Snowflake family in Swinderville that sold the rest of the free traders gear but they are missing. Thanks for answering!
I know this is off topic but I
need to know this.I am a heretic lvl 6 but from questing I only got lvl 2 gear.should i do side quests to get better gear?
I know this is off topic but I
need to know this.I am a heretic lvl 6 but from questing I only got lvl 2 gear.should i do side quests to get better gear?
i recommend to do almost all quests, because of the gear you get from them