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Saturday, February 7th 2015, 5:41am



  • "IAmGroot" started this thread

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Location: Wisconsin - USA

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6.0.0: Lucky Weekend!

LM should have started 5h21m ago?

"Dear Sarnaut,

It's time to enjoy more Lucky Moments for both servers!

During the first 6.0.0 Preview, we asked you for 250 likes - and you made it happen!

Thanks to you, we'll be running Lucky Moments between 0:00 Server time on Saturday the 7th of February, and 00:00 Server time on Sunday the 8th of February.

During those times, you will receive Increased Refractors from Wild Shore.

We hope you enjoy these events!

NOTE: Through the 6.0 preview stages, if multiple 6.0 news during a week gets 250+ likes each, the lucky weekend reward will double!

-The Allods Team"
QUESTION MARKS +1,000,000,000,000?


Saturday, February 7th 2015, 11:31am

I just wanted to open thread about this and ask how this is lucky moment? I mean, you focus only on max level players? What about others who level up? I can't remember the time when you give us double exp. How is this fair?


Saturday, February 7th 2015, 11:50am

on christmas holidays there was lucky week for low lvl and hight lvl didn't cry ^^

now it's lucky moment for hight lvl, thanks


Saturday, February 7th 2015, 12:29pm

You can tell by them no deleting this thread that they are not even checking over their forum activity ^_^


Sunday, February 8th 2015, 3:11pm

so where are this lucky moments? i dont see any in game yesterday and today


Monday, February 9th 2015, 12:46am

i think there were none at all :(

the hamsters in their wheels which are powering the engines for lucky moments in the server got tired


Monday, February 9th 2015, 12:58am

We had double Refractors on Smugglers' Paradise for whole weekend.


Monday, February 9th 2015, 1:45pm



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We had double Refractors on Smugglers' Paradise for whole weekend.
Figures, another LM for Smugglers Paradise only.


Monday, February 9th 2015, 5:17pm

here you go d00ds


Dear Sarnaut,

Due to an unlucky error during the weekend, we'll be holding an extended Lucky Hours event for both servers! From the 10th of February, 00:00 (CET) until the 14th of February, 00:00 (CET), both servers will gain Increased Refractors from Wild Shore, as previously planned.

Don't forget that during the 6.0 preview stages, new lucky moments become available each week when eligible 6.0 Lucky News reaches 250+ likes. In addition, if more than one 6.0 News in the same week gains 250+ likes, an extra Lucky Moment will be unlocked during that same weekend!

We hope you enjoy these events!

-The Allods Team


Monday, February 9th 2015, 5:39pm



  • "IAmGroot" started this thread

Posts: 1,349

Location: Wisconsin - USA

Occupation: Destoryer of all things you love

  • Send private message's a useless LM.
I didn't know that or I wouldn't have even cared.
Sorry for even making the thread.

This LM is useless to a HUGE part of the population that doesn't go to s28 anymore and needs no refractors.
Also since you made farming FUBAR with dropping the refractor vendor price, we can't even use this LM to farm refractors for gold.

It would be nice if you could give us something on top of that LM.

But at least this is the first sign we've seen of them "oh we screwed up so you can actually have something in return."
So that's a HUGE plus. Things may be going in the right direction. Good job guys.


Tuesday, February 10th 2015, 4:01pm

This is the state of the game.People saying "you had a LM almost 2 months ago now its our turn"...
Instead of complaining for more LM that are a vital part of the game.Go play a few weeks in Russian server,and check how many times they popped.
But no you rather complain that there was a LM a month ago that you didnt like.Its like instead of working to have more money,you´re more worried that the neighbor might be doing more then you.
No wonder they only have LM if you go like in FB,I will see the day when they ask for 500€ in donations for a LM.


Tuesday, February 10th 2015, 6:04pm



  • "IAmGroot" started this thread

Posts: 1,349

Location: Wisconsin - USA

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I legitimately cannot figure out what that guy's point above me is.
It's like he just strung a bunch of random sentences together and hoped they made sense.

The reason why I asked for a different lucky moment is because the lucky moment that is currently on serves virtually only the free to play and the very behind players.
The players that don't create revenue for them.
It is a very smart investment for a company to make those that pay you happy.

But yeah...uh...whatever that guy said above me, I don't understand. So if you'd like to reiterate it for me, that would be appreciated.


Tuesday, February 10th 2015, 6:23pm


Each announcement about next extension (Broken CHains) will bring a different lucky moment on our server.
So spread the word, don't hesitate to click if you can (and want to).

- (only 94 "like" for this one)
-…ents-new-island (150+ "like")
-…oject-raid-mode (already 78 ).

One announcement = one LM, more chance to get a very usefull one :).
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This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Gladia" (Feb 10th 2015, 7:32pm)


Tuesday, February 10th 2015, 9:26pm

I just wanted to open thread about this and ask how this is lucky moment? I mean, you focus only on max level players? What about others who level up? I can't remember the time when you give us double exp. How is this fair?

on christmas holidays there was lucky week for low lvl and hight lvl didn't cry ^^

now it's lucky moment for hight lvl, thanks


Like theres only room for a LM per month and ppl have to argue for the LM of his choice,thats what i meant.
Thats why i pointed out Russian servers that usually have 3/4 LM´s a week,like Gpotato had a long time ago.
They dont last 24h or an entire weekend but instead they happened regularly.


Friday, February 13th 2015, 11:53pm

Again, only high levels profit from lucky moments ^^ . Allods team, nailed it once more :D


Saturday, February 14th 2015, 12:49am

we have x2 questgold, the best lucky moment for leveling
high levels dont have any quests left...
its not only for high level

actually, its useless for really high level what we have now, high level have orange or better gear and gain more amalgam than they can use anyway (since glyphs will be at teal#2) and have no quests left also...


Saturday, February 14th 2015, 8:08am

You will receive Increased Amalgam from Battlegrounds, Increased Gold from Quests, and the cost of upgrading Epic Equipment has been reduced!
So, for those who are level under 40, gold is not that much useful , which makes it still 3 LMfor higher levels.


Saturday, February 14th 2015, 1:50pm


Saturday, February 14th 2015, 2:55pm



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So, for those who are level under 40, gold is not that much useful

you are kidding... this LM is basicly for those who still lvl and upgrade
Fireofdeath -70 - demonologist
Puffypuf - 65 - furball warden
Rensy - 65 - paladin
Akyrra - 70 - psionicist healer
Turquiose - 60 - bard
Springfull - 60 - mage
FoxBee - 31 warden


Saturday, February 14th 2015, 3:12pm

You are funny man. That's all I can tell you.

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