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Dear Sarnaut,
Due to an unlucky error during the weekend, we'll be holding an extended Lucky Hours event for both servers! From the 10th of February, 00:00 (CET) until the 14th of February, 00:00 (CET), both servers will gain Increased Refractors from Wild Shore, as previously planned.
Don't forget that during the 6.0 preview stages, new lucky moments become available each week when eligible 6.0 Lucky News reaches 250+ likes. In addition, if more than one 6.0 News in the same week gains 250+ likes, an extra Lucky Moment will be unlocked during that same weekend!
We hope you enjoy these events!
-The Allods Team
This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Gladia" (Feb 10th 2015, 7:32pm)
I just wanted to open thread about this and ask how this is lucky moment? I mean, you focus only on max level players? What about others who level up? I can't remember the time when you give us double exp. How is this fair?
on christmas holidays there was lucky week for low lvl and hight lvl didn't cry
now it's lucky moment for hight lvl, thanks
So, for those who are level under 40, gold is not that much useful