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Sunday, March 23rd 2014, 6:56pm

Ok...wen administration stop to be cruel to player

This is not normal and really began to be rude...

You are totally destroyed the game and this dont hawe any normal sense.
What to do players who do not have millions of euros ... just collapsed and better to changing game.
Price on AH its not a normal..example..and 2h epic mace on AH its round 20 000 gold,and place for grind i must sell 1000 items..just for purple...wen you sell items 15g-20 gold..than...5k gold 1 amalgam,if you are lucky...what i must do for fable....sell house..mother,family,puffy dog and my hungry cow....Players must be seated and Grindle 5 days / 24 hours for 3 item .. hell is there a sombady normal???

And mount on 5 milion gold...its only to sell from grind map 250 000 items...OMG!!!!!! This game industry..or Gasprom ?(

gPotato, bad guys,bad administration,just money money and more money ,we just hoped that our taking a normal and responsible, but it turns out that you are much much worse. X(

Thank you destroy the game and made ​​it that only the rich have a chance! :evil:


Sunday, March 23rd 2014, 7:07pm



Players decide prices, not gpotato or or or some invisible guy ingame ;).
If nobody buy at those prices, maybe they will go down ? Players got to be intelligent and not encourage high prices.
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Sunday, March 23rd 2014, 7:11pm

its a free market, the administrator really has no control over me or anyone else choosing to sell weapons or gear for 15k in the ah. you do have the option of making your own gear. and nobody told you to buy any of the mounts off the ah.


Sunday, March 23rd 2014, 7:15pm

If you don't like the f2p cash shop desaster, like I do, come on the p2p server, it's so much better. You can't even imagine how good the can be without the cash shop and a nice guild in your back. ^^
p2p Empire lvl 60 Paladin Bowtiful


Sunday, March 23rd 2014, 7:18pm



  • "Senpai" has been banned

Posts: 199

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play subserver till april 1st then sub and stop qqing about selling your cow. YOU NEVER SELL THE COW!


Sunday, March 23rd 2014, 7:38pm

people dont realize how expensive it is to make epics


Sunday, March 23rd 2014, 7:55pm

As it was already said, if no players would buy the items for that price, the price wouldn't be so high.
Also the price for the epic craft items will be reduced heavily , when some players get their astral gear.
It's just the start of the server so the epic gear is good at the moment.
Maybe u can find it funny to act like this is normal but believe me it is not!
We all know why bc prices go higher day by day!
Cause you preferred to do nothing against to NA server tr bug.
Cause it was a win win strategy for you wasnt it?


Sunday, March 23rd 2014, 7:59pm

You do realize that epic lvl 55 recipes are still rare, so these weapons are still rare and valuable, right? You do realize that epic lvl 58 items will be replaced by lvl 60 epics, and nothing before that, in about 2 months? If you knew game economy, you would know that as people farm, get recipes and more people can craft lvl 58 epics, their value will go down. It will go down to about 1,5-3k per item.

Amalgam - why would you buy it?! Just do WH/DF/AoD/Dominion. These ALL drop amalgams. Do them regularly and you get more amalgam than you need per week.

Why would you complain that the top mounts, that are in very limited supply, cost a lot? Compare the cost of a spinner to the cost of a fury. One is a very limited mount, the other - there is an endless supply of it. It is all about supply and demand.

And it is not the admins that put these items on the AH. It is players who have them. Who invest in getting these items and put them up for profit. Did you really think that items on the AH are put by admins?
Colin Quinn Recipe for success/dinner. 1/2 cup of brass you know whats, a tablespoon of I don't give a care, and a pound of get off my back, jack!


Sunday, March 23rd 2014, 8:01pm

Firstly, the bug was "ignored" by Gpotato, not who are currently running the game.

Secondly, Teppisch is right about how economy works.

Third, it is EXCEPTIONALLY rare for any game company to interfere directly with the player-set economy.
Have you tried turning it off and on again?


Sunday, March 23rd 2014, 8:52pm



Posts: 34

Location: Sweden

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WEll i quit this shitty game now,

Nothing as like before, i did investigate cuz i did like the game now it become shit.
x2 money each "gpot " or crystal shard or what u call it.

No places to farm golds, or yes there is " Wellebelle fucked up place " each drop 4 -8g (y
Gather a party for going 8astral runs each week & burn your hard farmed " uncommon loot " on boxes dat is 50% usefull?
so this means its 50%chanse to get 1 blue astral gear each weeked.. IF u dont buy Amtyst thing from cashshop ofc " CASHSHOP fucking all the time "

Made the game so no more quests after hit lvl 59, smart plan there.. Force people to but expensive exp scrolls or rage in tka rik for exp symbols, well u can´t buy exp scrolls cuz the currency guy is gone so need to buy em from fuckfaces in game 4k each.

And mount food how about dat? i know tons of ppl dat complain about dat bugg & mods and rest dudes also know this issue so ive been without mount in 3 - 4 days now. FUNNY.



Sunday, March 23rd 2014, 9:21pm

As it was already said, if no players would buy the items for that price, the price wouldn't be so high.
Also the price for the epic craft items will be reduced heavily , when some players get their astral gear.
It's just the start of the server so the epic gear is good at the moment.
Maybe u can find it funny to act like this is normal but believe me it is not!
We all know why bc prices go higher day by day!
Cause you preferred to do nothing against to NA server tr bug.
Cause it was a win win strategy for you wasnt it?

There is no reason attacking me. I can't change anything about this. I'm just a Moderator, not a part of / was no part of gPotato.
The Empire NPC is already deactivated due to bug investigation and all the players who are abusing the bug will get banned.
The bug is known and there will be punishments for the people who used it.
Please be patient.
You are right, im sry!
Its just too annoying but thats not a reason to blame you.

Hope they can find a solution asap...


Sunday, March 23rd 2014, 11:12pm

Well, I am sure many players will quit now. This is so funny with no currency exchange. What you expect from us? To pay you real money? Or to depend on some dude who can afford to pay with money so he sell on AH with damn high prizes? Nope ,nope , nope. Allods USED to be fun game, now it's not. And those who claim retarded stuff as: you get lot of gold questing from 55-60... I mean, should I comment that? That's just once!!! I know what you are trying to do here, I am not blind. You want to make people move to server where you pay once a month without runes etc, and how to do it? Simply make normal server so crappy that everyone leave. What greed can do to people..
Engage people with what they expect; it is what they are able to discern and confirms
their projections. It settles them into predictable patterns of response,
occupying their minds while you wait for the extraordinary moment — that which
they cannot anticipate. – Sun Tzu


Sunday, March 23rd 2014, 11:31pm



Well, I am sure many players will quit now. This is so funny with no currency exchange. What you expect from us? To pay you real money? Or to depend on some dude who can afford to pay with money so he sell on AH with damn high prizes? Nope ,nope , nope. Allods USED to be fun game, now it's not. And those who claim retarded stuff as: you get lot of gold questing from 55-60... I mean, should I comment that? That's just once!!! I know what you are trying to do here, I am not blind. You want to make people move to server where you pay once a month without runes etc, and how to do it? Simply make normal server so crappy that everyone leave. What greed can do to people..

Well, I am sure many players will quit now. This is so funny with no currency exchange. What you expect from us? To pay you real money? Or to depend on some dude who can afford to pay with money so he sell on AH with damn high prizes? Nope ,nope , nope. Allods USED to be fun game, now it's not. And those who claim retarded stuff as: you get lot of gold questing from 55-60... I mean, should I comment that? That's just once!!! I know what you are trying to do here, I am not blind. You want to make people move to server where you pay once a month without runes etc, and how to do it? Simply make normal server so crappy that everyone leave. What greed can do to people..
but, currency exchange is there its just not a price the eu players want to pay, just like I don't want to pay NA prices for stuff from eu; meet us halfway and the gold will get flowing :p


Sunday, March 23rd 2014, 11:36pm

Where is currency exchange? It's not near AH, that's for sure.
Engage people with what they expect; it is what they are able to discern and confirms
their projections. It settles them into predictable patterns of response,
occupying their minds while you wait for the extraordinary moment — that which
they cannot anticipate. – Sun Tzu


Sunday, March 23rd 2014, 11:39pm



Havn't logged in today but lemme see

dere she is like a good girl x]


Sunday, March 23rd 2014, 11:41pm

I don't see it neither on empire not league...
Engage people with what they expect; it is what they are able to discern and confirms
their projections. It settles them into predictable patterns of response,
occupying their minds while you wait for the extraordinary moment — that which
they cannot anticipate. – Sun Tzu


Sunday, March 23rd 2014, 11:53pm



are you on new frontier? Also its possible the npc hasn't loaded if you're still patching the game or lagging at all tbh since the amount of players is kinda massive.


Monday, March 24th 2014, 12:07am

Go join P2P where everything is fair and no P2W stuff :)
Drakeos - Empire Engineer


Monday, March 24th 2014, 1:33am

It^s the players fault like it was said, this game as become full of greedy people that only want to increase the price of AH or that want to make big money really fast, even that farming was nerfed (long time ago) prices were still low but that idk how and why but since the first merge between servers came everyone just went mad mode with prices... EG: 3rd mage page 20 / 30 k gold atm it's probablly the double even tho the player base is bigger that it was before.
You can come at me and say that people wastes alot of money to get those stuff and that's why the prices go up well i guess it's true, but there's many people that has everything and still buys X amount of boxes and gets something than they still increase more the price like they need X0000000000000000000000 gold, than you got the farmers that farm non stop and they invest it on something imagine boxes and luckly they get something and they try always to sell it for some retarded price in game. In the end everything happends in a chain reaction, everything starts to follow each other and you end up with a extremelly expenssive game where if you want to have a decent character without spending much money because you started only weeks / months ago u still need to farm around 200k i believe way more even.
You can do the math yourself.


Monday, March 24th 2014, 1:42am



play subserver till april 1st then sub and stop qqing about selling your cow. YOU NEVER SELL THE COW!
Seriously, in some countries you can get a wife for that. f2p not worth it, get you're visa stamped and fly on over.

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