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Friday, February 13th 2015, 6:58am

Looking for a guild on empire

Returning to see how allods has been, it's a guilty pleasure. Anyways I have a 55 bard right now and the guild i'm in is dead(ascendancy). I'm hoping I can find a guild with a decent amount of english speaking players to get back into the game and I may or may not sub again depending on my experience. Overall i'm just trying to have fun. Oh and my ign is Nero.


Friday, February 13th 2015, 7:18am

Die Antwoord


Posts: 215

Location: In your head...

Occupation: Beating players with a piss soaked sandal..

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Utopie is the only empire guild there is at this time league has 2 guild Avarice and the German guild but yeah So far Utopie is your only choice for guild on empire.
Smugglers Paradise


Friday, February 13th 2015, 7:21am


Friday, February 13th 2015, 7:48am

Die Antwoord


Posts: 215

Location: In your head...

Occupation: Beating players with a piss soaked sandal..

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But Empire has around 25 to 30 active players and some new players, league has around 30 to 40 active players, But empire has more geared players tho league is catching up. Plus I am sure with 6.0 coming more people will come back to try out the new patch.
Smugglers Paradise


Friday, February 13th 2015, 10:05am

Im with ya Addyos, I need an empire guild as well, League didnt have what i was lookin for.


Friday, February 13th 2015, 2:36pm



Posts: 324

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If you want to play on Empire side, feel free to ask Ruby, Khundarsse, Marcan, Molinqx or me.

@ Lamka : we are less than 25/30... League has double than us.
Le Shaf =^.^=
(Shaffou in game)
#Empire [Utopie / Smuggler's Paradise]


Friday, February 13th 2015, 2:56pm

@ Lamka : we are less than 25/30... League has double than us.
I wonder why that is...
Fiddler - Bard - Avarice
Kulha - Warrior - Avarice


Friday, February 13th 2015, 8:44pm

I'll be on later and whisper those toons, like 5-6 hours from now. Jikkle you should join too! It seems like that's where the majority of the players are.


Friday, February 13th 2015, 8:50pm

Die Antwoord


Posts: 215

Location: In your head...

Occupation: Beating players with a piss soaked sandal..

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league has most players then empire, empire has more geared players due to the fact that there was a big gab where league was dead and empire was active giving the empire more time to gear up, but league is catching up and we still give empire a good fight. But its nice to see more people coming back. :thumbsup:
Smugglers Paradise


Friday, February 13th 2015, 11:44pm

league has most players then empire, empire has more geared players due to the fact that there was a big gab where league was dead and empire was active giving the empire more time to gear up, but league is catching up and we still give empire a good fight. But its nice to see more people coming back. :thumbsup:
I hear ya, I meant that utopie as a guild has the most players on empire. Yeah more people are always welcomed.


Sunday, February 15th 2015, 10:36am



Posts: 596

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werent u, somewhen, talking about 50 active players each side?

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