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Thursday, February 19th 2015, 2:04pm

  • "The Allods Project" started this thread

Posts: 185

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Scout damage vs warrior damage

Hey, i just noticed that my warrair 36k gs deals less damage than my Scout 24k gs. ive heard that warrior will be buffed in the next patch, and scout will be balanced.

But how much?

I realize that scout must deal more damage because of the low armor rate, but really? 24k gs vs 36k gs...


Thursday, February 19th 2015, 2:21pm

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its game's op class balancing.


Thursday, February 19th 2015, 3:24pm

core morphers Need to be sold. old op classes will vanish, new will Pop up.

warrior used to be op just before Scout became op, so dont expect a lot of boost to the warrior in the near future. other classes now Need to become op first. betting on a mage or psi would be a good Option....

did i Forget the priest? stupid me ;)


Thursday, February 19th 2015, 3:38pm



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Scout is one of the best dps classe now, it's obscenely op. Also, 6.0 is a very small nerf to scout, it will only nerf those stupid people who spam tesla shot O:

And God, Psio will be even more op in next patch :-p


Thursday, February 19th 2015, 4:31pm

  • "The Allods Project" started this thread

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i dont care about healer and psi :P

I am talking about my warrior, because right now the class feels redicolously week


Thursday, February 19th 2015, 4:34pm

  • "The Allods Project" started this thread

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Thursday, February 19th 2015, 5:23pm

if this build is for pve its no wonder why you deal no damage, if its for pvp ignore this because i never done pvp with my warrior incarnation.

with this build you should get more dps, but PLEASE ask someone again who plays a Warrior as main char maybe there are some mistakes or bugged rubies in it. (and please someone good)

i leveled my warrior with nearly this build but for leveling it is equal where you place your rubys :thumbsup:


Thursday, February 19th 2015, 5:27pm

  • "The Allods Project" started this thread

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Actuly it is a pvp build not pve


Thursday, February 19th 2015, 5:36pm



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Thursday, February 19th 2015, 5:48pm

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I'm guessing that's your leveling build? I see a few things wrong with the build you linked. To maximize warrior dps you'll need to pick all crit and dmg rubys. Feint r3 is a must for all 2h specs. From what I've seen warrior is balanced this patch, scout isn't. Scout hits ridiculous hard this patch. An as for why your scout is hitting hard than your warrior just fix ur build and check ur stats.
CharlesbrnsonxAnger Management


Thursday, February 19th 2015, 8:21pm



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Warrior is a Joke at the moment espacially in pvp.


Friday, February 20th 2015, 8:36am

yes, warrior very weak right now
only bard is worse haha

30k gs paladin does same dmg as 52k gs warrior
scout is also at this level


Friday, February 20th 2015, 9:22am



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I think warriors is still a good class, with high dps and good cc, but yes they are squishy. Don't compare warrior with brainless class like paladin or scout, it's pointless :-p

All 11+ players switching into those class... It's ridiculous.


Friday, February 20th 2015, 3:51pm



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for your build there is something i noticed
you did not powered up you main ab
using a ruby in a empety place is stuped and hurt the warrior
here is mu guild!1!333.3..…qjjmwun/QUTZIAH
i found this build with over 1 and a half year and it s the best dps build for my opp


Sunday, February 22nd 2015, 8:44pm

  • "The Allods Project" started this thread

Posts: 185

Location: forest moon of endor

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nvm guys i rebuilded and got an insane dammage output :D

ty anyways

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