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Monday, February 23rd 2015, 4:18pm

  • "The Allods Project" started this thread

Posts: 186

Location: forest moon of endor

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what role is most needed?

Hey, i Wanna both dps and healer, and i CANT decide. I Wanna play a role that People need and Want most, so what do we need most? Healers or dps?

Help me out


Monday, February 23rd 2015, 4:58pm



Posts: 1,349

Location: Wisconsin - USA

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DPS is always the least needed because there is the most variety of classes that can do it.
Tanks/Healers/Specialty classes are always the most needed because there are fewer classes that can do it.

Specialty classes being Scout/Bard/Engineer (for rhapsody, however...there are way too many scouts currently, so this doesn't really apply for that class at the moment.).


Monday, February 23rd 2015, 7:06pm

  • "The Allods Project" started this thread

Posts: 186

Location: forest moon of endor

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then i think i'll go healer


Monday, February 23rd 2015, 7:44pm



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i well tell you EVERY CLASS is needed
the healer can t do a thing by his owen
a DPS cant stay alive for long
and a tank can t kill a thing by his own
so what ever the role you chose to be
it well be needed


Monday, February 23rd 2015, 7:56pm



Posts: 1,349

Location: Wisconsin - USA

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i well tell you EVERY CLASS is needed
the healer can t do a thing by his owen
a DPS cant stay alive for long
and a tank can t kill a thing by his own
so what ever the role you chose to be
it well be needed

Okay...let me rephrase the question that OP posted since you took a literal approach to this...which was a bit silly if you ask me.

"Which class, Melee/Caster or Full Healer, has the least amount of players playing it currently on the server?"

We all know every class is needed, however, the amount of people needed playing them, that is a different story and that is what the OP was asking.


Monday, February 23rd 2015, 9:15pm

  • "The Allods Project" started this thread

Posts: 186

Location: forest moon of endor

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what do you mean OP?

yes my question was exacly what groot answeared the first time. what role is most needed on this server.

what is the most usual role you type " lfm xx"" for
and im not talking about class, im talking about the role you play. dps, tank, healer.

and since you told me that healer is more wanted than dps than i guess i'll play on my healer next patch


Monday, February 23rd 2015, 9:38pm

OP= Original Poster (person who originally posted something).


Monday, February 23rd 2015, 10:00pm



Posts: 1,349

Location: Wisconsin - USA

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OP= Original Poster (person who originally posted something).

Yes...OP = Original Poster, as in the person that posted the topic.


Tuesday, February 24th 2015, 11:58am

  • "The Allods Project" started this thread

Posts: 186

Location: forest moon of endor

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I dont belive you, i think you mean that the guy who started the thread is an OP guy, an Over Powered persone who must be nerfed imideatly.



Tuesday, February 24th 2015, 2:02pm



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I hope this will help you believe:

Urban Dictionary ftw ;)


Tuesday, February 24th 2015, 8:13pm

  • "The Allods Project" started this thread

Posts: 186

Location: forest moon of endor

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