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dunno about their flag of war, but they dont quit game, cuz warbanner 1 shot them, but warbanner wait near respawn point/camp and when they went out he killed them and so on. They cant lvl up to leave zone(Coba) so they can stay at camp and do nothing. Ofc they log off and if it happen next time they log in, they quit if the player was level 48 and your apprentices were level... 35 (or something, in coba usually these levels) he would be unable to attack them unless THEY attack HIM (pvp option automatically goes ON then)
~ personally, i think if someone quits a game just because he gets oneshotted means this one does not have the right attitude for games like allods anyway...
This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "Retalon" (Mar 22nd 2015, 12:51pm)