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F2P Warbanner

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Saturday, March 21st 2015, 5:43pm


Can you fix it? i came back and Allods have same problem. New ppl quit at Asee, Eljune or Coba only , cuz some high lvl farm warbanner and 1 shotting low lvl new ppl(2 of my apprentices told me they go off, cuz lvl48 with full lvl7 warbanner just wait at respawn point at Coba and 1 shotting them). This way new ppl just quit and dont come back(well they cant lvl up, they cant fight back).

Solution is really simple make it same as for other drops so high lvl ppl dont get warbanner from mobs 3-4lvls lower than them.

PS: This was problem for new ppl 2 years ago and its still same. Also ppl doing it on both sides(well 1 high lvl warbanner can ruin game like this for +- all ppl at zone for 1 hour).


Saturday, March 21st 2015, 6:25pm

well thats an old problem with a really easy solution^^ go to novo or neze and ask short for help^^ ppl like me will come and oneshit this shithead for you :thumbsup:

the game gives you the freedom to do what you want and ofc some assholes gonna use it to gank lowies^^


Saturday, March 21st 2015, 7:20pm

I know thats an old problem, but i gave Coba example,cuz east respawn point is in middle of nowhere so if new ppl have personal teleport on cd they can do nothing. I played Allods, when gpotato run it and i remember old Asee, Eljune and Coba, when most mobs raised your flag of war.
Problem is high lvl ppl can get warbanner as drop from low lvl zones. i was helping apprentices with Wish granter and from 50 kobolds i got 3 warbanners and i 1 shotting mobs.

So high lvl ppl get only warbanner as drop and thats easy to fix. Just make same rules for warbanner as for other trash drops and problem solved.


Sunday, March 22nd 2015, 3:54am

warbanner does no longer make it possible for high level to attack lowlevel any more... if target is 3 (?) level below banner-carrier, the carrier can NOT attack him if the lowlevel has turned pvpoption OFF

i have tried that myself

so if the player was level 48 and your apprentices were level... 35 (or something, in coba usually these levels) he would be unable to attack them unless THEY attack HIM (pvp option automatically goes ON then)

i always tell my apprentices that if they wish to play without pvp to just turn off pvp option and aviod banners at same level

ALSO, banner needs 30 sec time in order to be fully useable
this means if lets say a level 33 pop a banner and want to kill a level 30, the level 30 still has 30 seconds to go away / teleport away / etc...

~ personally, i think if someone quits a game just because he gets oneshotted means this one does not have the right attitude for games like allods anyway...
i could tell stories from my time in asee teph when i was new with runes 211 111 and how it made me strong and empowered my will to get as strong as those who oneshotted me, but it would get too long then 8o


Sunday, March 22nd 2015, 10:36am

so if the player was level 48 and your apprentices were level... 35 (or something, in coba usually these levels) he would be unable to attack them unless THEY attack HIM (pvp option automatically goes ON then)

~ personally, i think if someone quits a game just because he gets oneshotted means this one does not have the right attitude for games like allods anyway...

dunno about their flag of war, but they dont quit game, cuz warbanner 1 shot them, but warbanner wait near respawn point/camp and when they went out he killed them and so on. They cant lvl up to leave zone(Coba) so they can stay at camp and do nothing. Ofc they log off and if it happen next time they log in, they quit game.

I too remember old times, when some ppl made twinks/reincs with Eljune forestfolks rep gear and hunting new players at Asee, but that was when PVP kills give no exp.


Sunday, March 22nd 2015, 12:17pm

As i remember you can only attack ppl 3 level less than you when their pvp-flag is off and you use an warbanner. If they stay next to spawn point, at spawn point you cant be attacked (it should be that way on every spawn point). There you can always use your teleport option to teleport to novograd or somewhere else safe (30 min cd). This should be one option to avoid camping warbanner. Another option is when reaching lv 40, you will get a gipat stone. 10 min cd for teleport to gipat. From there you can go straight to novograd.
Btw. you should remember that the zones asee and after are pvp zones, especially coba. loads of warbanner drops (in comparison to somewhere else) and you need some pvp-exp to get through that zone faster without grinding or use some other exp boosts (lucky moments, cash shop, goblinball..). This zones are basically meant to be for pvp. I know its nasty when you just started playing and then some high cs incarnation comes by and oneshots you. Shit happens. I can only think how "put in here any unfriendly word you seems fitting" these ppl are who are farming the same undergeared new players over and over again...

This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "Retalon" (Mar 22nd 2015, 12:51pm)


Sunday, March 22nd 2015, 3:40pm

I started new account(old is gone, dont remember mail which i used) so know it, but from 20 new ppl, which i add to friend list before lvl20(they tell me they like game), only 1 got to lvl50 rest stop playing around lvl 23(Asee) or they stop at lvl 33(Coba).

I know how to avoid PVP, but this(Asee, Eljune and Coba) problem was there before i left game(gpotato run game) and its still same.

Im suprised that some1 dont check how many ppl quit and at what lvl(zone) and rework it.


Sunday, March 22nd 2015, 5:01pm

again, it does not matter if a level 40 or whatever camps in coba because he wont be able to attack any lowlevel player
just turn off flag of war and problem solved forever

and i guess the noobfilter asee teph was wanted this way and worked as intended, those who are losers anyway quit and never came back, noone misses them and they dont destroy the gaming experience of the normal players


Monday, March 23rd 2015, 2:29am

Hey all, the problem with warbanner its not a new one,its designed to make us ,the allods players less bored and have some fun from our encounters.While the warbanner its used with commone sense and fairplay,it's actually ,fun.

Not when its used repeatedly against same player (dieing 20 times in row its not fun) ,not when its used by a much more higher lvl player ,not when its used as what its called in other games ''corpse camping '' -you wait for the one to respawn and kill him -that's not fair play AT ALL. I'd wish to sick someone can actually be and how much someone can actually find nice ''pvp'' to 1 shoot some player that you have HIGH DIFFERENCE in your CS items,runes ,lvl,GS.I personally dislike the players that use their mounts to troll you ,''farm '' you just because they ''paid '' for this kind of fun .i find it pointless-those guys can't actually pick someone on their lvl and show us all how good they are?

One example here : in the Dragon Ring ,at the camp where actually players respawn -there its not a safe zone -at least it wasn't for my reincarnation ;wich was killed on the respawn point like 20 times by a very low morale player wich were wearing a warbanner,INSIDE that camp,once i was respawining -he was simply killing me over and over again,without me being able to run away ,flash (i was a nab reinca mage ) or escape from that place...he simply set his calltrops over the respawn point ,in the moment i was ressing ...rain of arrow ,followed by finishing shot .nice played.20 times or more died untill i had to call it a day and frustrated like hell ,had to leave game because could not set my reincarnation buff off anyhow or respawn somewhere else...I felt totally trapped ,and yes -for sure annoyed .Took a break ,like 1 hour and guess what? when i logged back in : He was still there. Managed to finally flash away somehow at some point ,and moved to next zone.

I still hate Dragon Ring . I still think some players have a low perception value and they are ,in my acception ,mentally deranged to do such things .It can't be called PvP. In other games ,some like those players would be ,for sure reported and banned.

Happy gamming everyone.(Retired from Allods since in a while because the teribile difference between CS players and Casual ones .)


Monday, March 23rd 2015, 4:37am

sounds like an asshole yeah... but arent you like 15 sek or something invisible? this is more than enough to run out of sight^^


Monday, March 23rd 2015, 1:20pm

Invisible doesnt help against an arrowrain if im not wrong, but the other player needs some good timing (not that i want to compliment him here)...


Monday, March 23rd 2015, 1:26pm

i did not know dragonring-respawn is not protected by spawnshield :O

but sounds like great fun
i would have enjoyed that (from both sides btw!)

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