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Friday, March 27th 2015, 12:23am

questions from a newbie

I have a question, does this game have a auction house, does it have raids, and what is the population for U.S. severs. THANKS! :)


Friday, March 27th 2015, 12:50am

Yes, the game does have an Auction House.
Yes, it does have raids (5 raids, levels 45,51,55,61 and 65)
There are no US servers, it's just one big international server, split on a Free To Play server and Pay To Play server. The F2P server is pretty populated, but the P2P server is kinda underpopulated right now.


Friday, March 27th 2015, 1:36am


Friday, March 27th 2015, 9:38pm



Posts: 36

Location: tunisia( africa) the top of africa

Occupation: student

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there is 6 raids
you fergot AM


Friday, March 27th 2015, 11:29pm

Ah, you're right. There's also AM, which is not a full raid in my opinion. But still a raid.


Saturday, March 28th 2015, 12:58am



Posts: 36

Location: tunisia( africa) the top of africa

Occupation: student

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yes it is a mini raid
but its a raid

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