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Thursday, April 16th 2015, 6:54pm

As mage, what profession should I get for end-game glyphs?

I noticed that leatherworking gives proficiency + willpower on glyphs... but as a mage aside from that it would be completely useless for me.

I can only get one profession.

Was recommended to level it with my char level. (I'm on P2P server.)

Someone told me that you can change stats at end-game, and that it costs depending on rarity of glyph...

But this is still all very confusing to me as I am new to the system atm.

So can anyone tell me which profession I should get for glyphs as mage and argument?



Thursday, April 16th 2015, 11:01pm

It doesn't really matter which profession you have (provided it's not alchemy) since you can use insignias to change stats as you please. On top of that, you could sell the crafted glyphs and buy the ones you want from negotiants as well.


Wednesday, April 22nd 2015, 11:38am

Okay, thanks.

Also since the new system is in check and my question was answered, feel free to close this thread.


Thursday, April 23rd 2015, 9:28am

It doesn't really matter which profession you have (provided it's not alchemy) since you can use insignias to change stats as you please. On top of that, you could sell the crafted glyphs and buy the ones you want from negotiants as well.
Since the last update now crafting glyphs has become irrelevant as far as I was told since you can just buy them (not sure where from yet) and so alchemy has become more relevant it seems...?

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