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This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Tonal" (Mar 27th 2014, 11:34am)
Can't say i enountered line of sight problem myself, though a cause of it could be that you have reduced your graph ics settings so if you're zoomed out quite a bit certain objects won't show on your map ( like crates or fences etc. ) causing you to break los with your target.I think they should first focus on scout's mechanism, especially for ranged scout:
- They should definitively remove the disabling of skills when "target is too close". Ranged scouts are already at a disaventadge when fighting other melee class (since all melee class have been buffed and reworked), the disabling of skills is a double punishment which turns pvp into an absolute crap, especially in limited zone (like dominion when we have to fight in a small circle around the flag, which means we have ALWAYS at least one or two people on us).
- All class have instant cast or "preparable in advance" skills, scouts are the only class to be forced to stop moving to cast skills (except secondary shot like tesla or incend, which are limited by quiver size).
- Quiver size limitation: 3 shot at normal state, 7 with with rubies. That's ridiculous, there's no valuable reason to justify this additional handicap.
- High shot: all class have at least one or two high shot (icy comet for mage for exemple), scouts have... the hilarious merciless shot, which have been made conscienciously unusable with a delirious cast time. We had powerful shot before: removed. We had vengeful shot: removed. What we have left: the double shot, not only it have a insane cast time and energy consumption but it is also... disabled when target is too close!
- Line of sight: don't know if it's specific to my character but it simply not working correctly half of the time. I have tons of screenshot saying "Target is not in line of sight", even when target is standing IN FRONT of me or in a zone free of obstacles (i even got this message when trying to give fervor buff at a target who was standing at... 6m before me).
- Line of sight: don't know if it's specific to my character but it simply not working correctly half of the time. I have tons of screenshot saying "Target is not in line of sight", even when target is standing IN FRONT of me or in a zone free of obstacles (i even got this message when trying to give fervor buff at a target who was standing at... 6m before me).
Ranged damage doesn't need a buff, it's already good enough. Melee could use a little buff though.scouts only need two changes:
-be able to use their skills while moving AND buff their damage.
-buff their close range skills so that you can actually build as an assassin and be viable.
i don't think making scouts able to cast their long range skills at close range a good solution since that means you kill any other possible build then.
That's the whole point of playing as a scout in pvp. x-x. What do you want, more armor so you can just sit in one spot and shoot 24/24 in pvp while healer keeps you alive? Get real. Scout was designed as a glass cannon from the beggining, it should remain so.for now we can just try to escape if things are going bad
That's why you have to work with a team to take a class down x-x. The entire point of skirmishes is group pvp, not 1v1 pvp, so yes, you can expect enemy healer to HEAL the wounded target when you single him out down, the same way you should expect your group members to dps that target down in order to kill him. Since when being a glass cannon meant you actually have to kill everyone in a few seconds without the other one having the ability to get up?@bloodraven the problem is the scout isnt anymore a glass cannon becouse even if you stun lock a guy and get him to 0 % hp he still survives ! (war , summ) or he pops bubble or uses tons of difrent thing to get him up and what can a scout do ?
What you say makes little sense. 90% 1v1's melee scout loses? What.Im talking about melee scout not ranged and im not talking about group pvp becouse there to many possibilities in that fight.Im talking about 1v1 where in 90 % casses scout is on lost position