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Good idea, Gwiniel - I'll look into it. As for the new swimsuit, I'll post an update here once it has been released along with any other relevant news/articles regarding either costume.
Is it possible to get the 2014 swimwear back on Item Shop when the 2015 winner gets there? Last year I didn't know it was Item Shop goods and looked it from Tropical Atoll, thus missing the whole costume :/
Is it possible to get the 2014 swimwear back on Item Shop when the 2015 winner gets there? Last year I didn't know it was Item Shop goods and looked it from Tropical Atoll, thus missing the whole costume :/
Last year, it was obtainable on Smugglers Paradise at the local Holiday Committee officials.(and therefore not obtainable on the p2p server).
I doubt they will put it in Tropical Atoll, not in New Frontier server. If they re-publish it, it will most likely be in Item Shop.I would really like to know if we are going to be able to purchase the Sailor's Swim Costume from the Tropical Atoll? Some people missed the chance last year, and I feel that it should have been put into the Tropical Atoll for purchase. I do not care if I have to pay 1000 sea shells for it, I would do it for that costume.![]()