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Wednesday, March 26th 2014, 9:05pm

Warden caster build

Hey guys i would like to ask for a warden caster build anyone can give one with talents and rubys?? plz :)


Wednesday, March 26th 2014, 9:09pm

Posts: 131

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Hey guys i would like to ask for a warden caster build anyone can give one with talents and rubys?? plz :)
well this patch not much has changed yet for us imo....only stats mostly....
gaat niet bestaat niet


Thursday, March 27th 2014, 7:36pm

Im new to this game i dont know nothing :s


Friday, March 28th 2014, 12:40am



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Fireofdeath -70 - demonologist
Puffypuf - 65 - furball warden
Rensy - 65 - paladin
Akyrra - 70 - psionicist healer
Turquiose - 60 - bard
Springfull - 60 - mage
FoxBee - 31 warden


Friday, March 28th 2014, 5:49am

That caster build without healing balm but ferocity aura, why? rather call of the power r2+ extra dodge ruby from maul grid. also bear's strike kinda useless for caster, rather take chain lightning r2 and Rip! r1 so you got good aoe burst and little stun.
I'm undisputed king in my own realm
Rospaseta - F2P - deactive
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Friday, March 28th 2014, 6:35am



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A warden without aqua is not a real warden >=(


Friday, March 28th 2014, 9:23am

A warden without aqua is not a real warden >=(
^ this. How else do you expect to feed your inner attention whore, if not by being the most whispered person in YT?? Vodka machines, assemble <3


Friday, March 28th 2014, 9:52am!5!133...3…I!adbtb/OMYWWHB

Havent checked the mana drain yet w/o vortex rubies, so il check it out later with Warden.

Former Alias: Stoeipoesje, ISA server.


Saturday, March 29th 2014, 1:07am



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ferocity because pet is dmg and as caster majority of damage is made by pet, im using both those builds cuz i have greatness and 2nd one helps killing faster, its just an option of build if u dont want ae

rip was nerfed alot in last patch, it barely stuns for 1s when you're wearing those greens you get from chests

at standard 65 points you wont be able to take lighning strike r3, upper maul r3 and chain lightning r2, check the calculator and see, either get maul r2 and get the aoe or the other way around

mana drain is huge without those rubies
Fireofdeath -70 - demonologist
Puffypuf - 65 - furball warden
Rensy - 65 - paladin
Akyrra - 70 - psionicist healer
Turquiose - 60 - bard
Springfull - 60 - mage
FoxBee - 31 warden


Tuesday, April 1st 2014, 9:40am



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Does someone know what the rubies (agility by -9 lol) and wisdom/finesse etc rubies give now? :D i think they change the names in 5.0.1 with rewamp but atm im quite blind of what im speccing into, i just choose same ones i used to take with old stats ;)

And to ninim :D A warden without balm is simply a PvP specced warden :D Or if u have sum super page with 10 xtra talent and 6 rubys, sure u can have room for vodka in pvp spec too :D


Tuesday, April 1st 2014, 9:59am



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caster build I am using currently *honestly I would suggest melee for PvE and Caster PVP but thats me * :!5!133.2.3…R!yhbtb/OKLPWHB
(1st off build doesn't have beer spec'd into so if you want it then you gotta change stuff anyways, I picked up r3 bee because I personally don't like using storm but, if you choose too you drop the parry rubies or the renew rubies and pick up the increased dmg on storm. If you don't these many rubies or have more then put where you want to get them )

Personally if you want best dps imo you should use melee 2h mace/spear and this is the build I use for that:!5!333.2.3…E!ycbtb/IJLPWHB

( haven't gotten the pvp ruby yet *spending all tokens on gold hue hue* if I did I would get the last rank of the % armor in the pet tree again if you have more then use w/e you want or less just get the vital stuff and you should be able to figure that out )


Tuesday, April 1st 2014, 12:15pm



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Does someone know what the rubies (agility by -9 lol) and wisdom/finesse etc rubies give now? :D i think they change the names in 5.0.1 with rewamp but atm im quite blind of what im speccing into, i just choose same ones i used to take with old stats ;)

I believe it's like this~

Int rubies give Proficiency
Wisdom rubies give Determination (worth skipping maybe)
Rage rubies give Anger
Dodge/parry rubies give pure 5/10/15% chance to dodge/parry (this is pretty huge when you think of it -- most (all?) other classes have no dodge whatsoever anymore!)
Endurance rubies make you take less damage from critical hits or something hilariously bad like that >.<


Tuesday, April 1st 2014, 2:26pm



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Does someone know what the rubies (agility by -9 lol) and wisdom/finesse etc rubies give now? :D i think they change the names in 5.0.1 with rewamp but atm im quite blind of what im speccing into, i just choose same ones i used to take with old stats ;)

I believe it's like this~

Int rubies give Proficiency
Wisdom rubies give Determination (worth skipping maybe)
Rage rubies give Anger
Dodge/parry rubies give pure 5/10/15% chance to dodge/parry (this is pretty huge when you think of it -- most (all?) other classes have no dodge whatsoever anymore!)
Endurance rubies make you take less damage from critical hits or something hilariously bad like that >.<
Thanks might skip them wisdoms then is this is the case...

Anyhoo, endurance is sure some other stat now, so i bet it incrases some, i dont have fod to test out spec into diff ones and see what stats rise and whatnot :F but im waiting for teh 5.0.1..

Now to another matter, a question if i may, what you think i hear for dps case best stats are brut and prof, i was gonna try to have somekind of balance in prof/brutality/bloodlust for my gear and stats, i cannot make 2 gear sets for pve/pvp so i try to balance both stats a bit in here...
So the question being u think burtality/prof/bloodlust will give nice results ;)? (also of crs from some items i take sum willpower and some tenacity maybe) ok this must sound fecking confusing im lost alrdy myself so i try to remember what im doing and say thanks in advance if someone finds actual content from this post and asnwers it even ^^


Tuesday, April 1st 2014, 4:04pm



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The endurance rubies definitely don't raise any stats now, I've tested it. That critical damage thing was in some patch notes I believe.


Wednesday, April 2nd 2014, 12:03am


Does someone know what the rubies (agility by -9 lol) and wisdom/finesse etc rubies give now?

That's explained in patch notes :



Warden's ruby Superior Balance now increases Tenacity by 5/10/15%. The reduction of duratiom of Bark Shield ability will stay the same.
Warden's ruby Enhanced Reflexes now increases a chance to dodge for warden and its pet by 5/10/15%.
Warden's ruby Blade Turner has been changed. Now it increases Bloodlust by 5/10/15%.
Warden's ruby Heightened Senses now increases pet's armor by 5/10/15%.
Warden's ruby Primal Inspiration now increases Determination by 3/6/9%.
Warden's ruby Force of Nature now increases Vigor by 3/6/9%.
Warden's ruby Feral Instincts now decreases incoming critical damage for warden and its pet by 5/10/15%.
Warden's ruby Predatory Urge now increases Anger by 4/8/12%.
Warden's ruby Bestial Synergy now increases Luck by 4% for each level of the ruby.
(ctrl F : Warden)
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Wednesday, April 2nd 2014, 12:12am



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A warden without aqua is not a real warden >=(

A warden without aqua is a real DPS:

PS: Sorry for the off topic, I did not play caster build, but I had to defend my favorite class :love:
Drood retraité !


Wednesday, April 2nd 2014, 1:00am



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A warden without aqua is a real DPS
I second this *Wink*

NA Warden - Mercenaries

2010 NA King Warden


Wednesday, April 2nd 2014, 6:38am



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Does someone know what the rubies (agility by -9 lol) and wisdom/finesse etc rubies give now?

That's explained in patch notes :



Warden's ruby Superior Balance now increases Tenacity by 5/10/15%. The reduction of duratiom of Bark Shield ability will stay the same.
Warden's ruby Enhanced Reflexes now increases a chance to dodge for warden and its pet by 5/10/15%.
Warden's ruby Blade Turner has been changed. Now it increases Bloodlust by 5/10/15%.
Warden's ruby Heightened Senses now increases pet's armor by 5/10/15%.
Warden's ruby Primal Inspiration now increases Determination by 3/6/9%.
Warden's ruby Force of Nature now increases Vigor by 3/6/9%.
Warden's ruby Feral Instincts now decreases incoming critical damage for warden and its pet by 5/10/15%.
Warden's ruby Predatory Urge now increases Anger by 4/8/12%.
Warden's ruby Bestial Synergy now increases Luck by 4% for each level of the ruby.
(ctrl F : Warden)
Thanks for this, time to respec some :)


Wednesday, April 2nd 2014, 7:22am



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A warden without aqua is not a real warden >=(

A warden without aqua is a real DPS:

PS: Sorry for the off topic, I did not play caster build, but I had to defend my favorite class :love:

Nice job, but I stand by my word :P Think about it, you could be #1 DPS *and* keep everyone in your raid constantly drunk!


Wednesday, April 2nd 2014, 8:45am



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Well... no ^^
I've definitely stopped making balm when I heard wars used them for their f***** energy...
Even me, I use crafted balm for 2 reasons: faster to craft and stackable by 100 instead of 5. Developpers made all they can to make them as useless as possible.

In anycase, by not taking balms in any of my builds I make a favor to my guidmates => I prepare them for the future of the warden 5.0.1. :thumbsup:
Drood retraité !

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