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That caster build without healing balm but ferocity aura, why? rather call of the power r2+ extra dodge ruby from maul grid. also bear's strike kinda useless for caster, rather take chain lightning r2 and Rip! r1 so you got good aoe burst and little stun.!5!133...3…C!ycbtb/OMYWWHB
this is a lvling build with healing balm!5!133.1.3…C!ycbtb/OMYWWHB
abd this is without healing balm
Does someone know what the rubies (agility by -9 lol) and wisdom/finesse etc rubies give now?i think they change the names in 5.0.1 with rewamp but atm im quite blind of what im speccing into, i just choose same ones i used to take with old stats
Thanks might skip them wisdoms then is this is the case...Does someone know what the rubies (agility by -9 lol) and wisdom/finesse etc rubies give now?i think they change the names in 5.0.1 with rewamp but atm im quite blind of what im speccing into, i just choose same ones i used to take with old stats
I believe it's like this~
Int rubies give Proficiency
Wisdom rubies give Determination (worth skipping maybe)
Rage rubies give Anger
Dodge/parry rubies give pure 5/10/15% chance to dodge/parry (this is pretty huge when you think of it -- most (all?) other classes have no dodge whatsoever anymore!)
Endurance rubies make you take less damage from critical hits or something hilariously bad like that >.<
Does someone know what the rubies (agility by -9 lol) and wisdom/finesse etc rubies give now?
Warden's ruby Superior Balance now increases Tenacity by 5/10/15%. The reduction of duratiom of Bark Shield ability will stay the same.
Warden's ruby Enhanced Reflexes now increases a chance to dodge for warden and its pet by 5/10/15%.
Warden's ruby Blade Turner has been changed. Now it increases Bloodlust by 5/10/15%.
Warden's ruby Heightened Senses now increases pet's armor by 5/10/15%.
Warden's ruby Primal Inspiration now increases Determination by 3/6/9%.
Warden's ruby Force of Nature now increases Vigor by 3/6/9%.
Warden's ruby Feral Instincts now decreases incoming critical damage for warden and its pet by 5/10/15%.
Warden's ruby Predatory Urge now increases Anger by 4/8/12%.
Warden's ruby Bestial Synergy now increases Luck by 4% for each level of the ruby.
Thanks for this, time to respec someHi,
Does someone know what the rubies (agility by -9 lol) and wisdom/finesse etc rubies give now?
That's explained in patch notes :
Warden's ruby Superior Balance now increases Tenacity by 5/10/15%. The reduction of duratiom of Bark Shield ability will stay the same.
Warden's ruby Enhanced Reflexes now increases a chance to dodge for warden and its pet by 5/10/15%.
Warden's ruby Blade Turner has been changed. Now it increases Bloodlust by 5/10/15%.
Warden's ruby Heightened Senses now increases pet's armor by 5/10/15%.
Warden's ruby Primal Inspiration now increases Determination by 3/6/9%.
Warden's ruby Force of Nature now increases Vigor by 3/6/9%.
Warden's ruby Feral Instincts now decreases incoming critical damage for warden and its pet by 5/10/15%.
Warden's ruby Predatory Urge now increases Anger by 4/8/12%.
Warden's ruby Bestial Synergy now increases Luck by 4% for each level of the ruby.
(ctrl F : Warden)