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Friday, August 28th 2015, 3:11pm

P2P Server - Totally dead?

Hi! I recently purchased a subscription for the p2p server since I am a returning allods player. The price seemed fair enough and I thought that I should take a look at things myself. I have just got my summy to novograd and oh my. I am the only player there! my only company are the stupid NPC's that roam doing nothing. My question is: Should I even bother playing on there? Should I just let my sub end..? It looks so utterly dead it's actually sort of depressing. :thumbdown:

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "marunbatista123" (Aug 28th 2015, 3:20pm)


Friday, August 28th 2015, 3:23pm



Posts: 1,349

Location: Wisconsin - USA

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Thread titled:
An old player returning
Forum Area:
[P2P] Smuggler's Paradise

Thread titled:
Number of players on p2p player
Forum Area:
[P2P] Smuggler's Paradise

Thread titled:
Empire in Smuggler's Paradise
Forum Area:
[P2P] Smuggler's Paradise

Thread titled:
Number of players on p2p player
Forum Area:
[P2P] Smuggler's Paradise


Friday, August 28th 2015, 3:46pm


Best thing to do on P2P server is to join a guild as soon as possible.
As there is less players than on F2P, there's less AFK players/waiting players too. Most of P2P players actually play the game, so you can't see them wandering around in capitals.

I can't suggest you a league guild, as their main guild changes every month. If you have access to the Astral Academy (around lvl 8/10, you'll have a quest about mercenaries there), try to get there, i think you'll find some players. Ask them to join their guild.

It also depends on what time zone you are playing. There's more people on EU evening time.

I moved your message on P2P sub-forum, where you'll find useful topics.
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Friday, August 28th 2015, 4:56pm

People usually return for bigger patches or sector unlocks, but yea, summer took a huge toll on the server's population. At least on League.


Friday, August 28th 2015, 6:36pm

I can't suggest you a league guild, as their main guild changes every month.


Sunday, August 30th 2015, 9:49am

You'll always see the same faces and people are more and more being against each other without proper reason, my impression. You can easily achieve being a top player without playing much, gain more and more stuff without enough adjusted content to use the stuff, things feel scaled for runes everywhere in the highlvl content. Population feels like a low pop WOW private server, but there were even worse times. Maybe that's something for you, you can still have fun here with your playtime :D

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "SMiley" (Aug 30th 2015, 9:57am)


Sunday, August 30th 2015, 10:00am

i remember the last time they had the free trial month so people could test out the server. I logged on to my empire character every day until it expired and used my world shouts to try and get a lowbie to best friend me so that i could give them my mount permanently. anyway, the server was so empty that I was unable to give it away. :P

over 9000 hours in MSPAINT


Sunday, August 30th 2015, 9:43pm



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I started on this server about a month and a half ago, as I was playing I was meeting new people all leveling up in the same guild (NwA to be specific, which is a great guild). We all got to max level, but when I came back from a 3 week holiday a few days ago, I'd returned to see a lot of the new players who'd got there had quit. It seems to be a bit of a pattern, a few new people active for a few weeks getting to 65 then quitting because there's just not enough activity or population for the game to be entertaining. I don't see this changing, so I wouldn't reccommend the game anymore.


Monday, August 31st 2015, 5:05am

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That's how it's always been. People joining the server, expecting everything to be ready and leaving when things wasn't as they expected. Few players have the patience to actually build up something, that's why you see the "core" of the same few players "keeping things going".
Downfall (P2P)
Deliverance (F2P)

"I don't have pet peeves - I have major psychotic f****** hatreds!"


Monday, August 31st 2015, 4:00pm

Posts: 58

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Yea there is no people on novograd that explains how we made 8th boss of eclipse raid as Anka Guild.There is people playing on p2p i am one of them.And as other players said to u, there is no afkers.Nearly all of us are old f2p players and we are pro ones.We know what to do and don't be afk at novograd.For example there is many people on f2p but some of them don't know how to play or don't trying to learn just time passing.We are less but more qualified :thumbup:

Note:This fault is only of management fault of is no advertising.We made better than they did.They should fix their management style :thumbdown:


Monday, August 31st 2015, 5:07pm



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We are less but more qualified :thumbup:

I would love to see some of you "pros" from the p2p server PvP against some of the f2p players like Artocys, OshiMoshi, and many others...I think that would change your statement very quickly. ;)


Monday, August 31st 2015, 5:35pm

I would not agree with p2p players being more qualified. Maybe percentage of qualified players is higher, but that's because there's very little players overall so every one counts more.

There's not even enough players for one properly structured, hardcore guild on the whole server, good players are scattered among factions and language groups who dislike each other.

Fanatical players who live with this game? Not even one party. I'm sure there's more than one on f2p.
(those kind of players would have fable glyphs at the end of the expansion even though it's like four times as annoying to do as on f2p due to no inspiration scrolls). Then those players can be counted.

No one is even attempting Gates (raid mode) here while RU p2p is not that far behind f2p. This might change with 12 people raids in 6.0.3 though.

It's all very sad because on the game's end everything is perfect.

This post has been edited 3 times, last edit by "Dala" (Aug 31st 2015, 5:42pm)


Wednesday, September 2nd 2015, 4:01pm

It actually turns out that there are more Empire players thank League
Sheller - Empire - Smuggler's Paradise
Shellerowski - Empire - New Frontier


Thursday, September 3rd 2015, 5:35pm



  • "Senpai" has been banned

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We are less but more qualified :thumbup:

I would love to see some of you "pros" from the p2p server PvP against some of the f2p players like Artocys, OshiMoshi, and many others Old School Asc...I think that would change your statement very quickly. ;)



Friday, September 11th 2015, 2:22pm



Posts: 179

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Yea there is no people on novograd that explains how we made 8th boss of eclipse raid as Anka Guild.There is people playing on p2p i am one of them.And as other players said to u, there is no afkers.Nearly all of us are old f2p players and we are pro ones.We know what to do and don't be afk at novograd.For example there is many people on f2p but some of them don't know how to play or don't trying to learn just time passing.We are less but more qualified :thumbup:

Note:This fault is only of management fault of is no advertising.We made better than they did.They should fix their management style :thumbdown:

If you are the same Delidumrul kak warden/mage that plays on the 'private' server. Which I assume you are given the unusual name. Then please. You are really no 'pro' afk in bg's doesn't qualify as pro.

Also, the level of the 'pros' that were on the server when I still played really wasn't all that good tbh. Granted there were some good players (enough for 3 domi party's at least) which of course most quit for different reasons. Now if we back track to when the server got released, THEN the good players were active. Right up until the last weeks of 4.0. The level of skill decreased dramatically past then. If it wasn't for the EU NA merge it would of been even worse.

Please go PvP some real players before you make bold statements like the "More qualified". Aint hard to be good on the P2P server, you've only got best what, 6 people?

Edit: I would come back and rek you myself just for the utter crap you speak. But I refuse to pay 10 euro to play a solo game (for the most part). Also not willing to endure the endless grind for gear. Bring on 7.0 =)
Achilles | Mage | Avarice

This post has been edited 3 times, last edit by "Achilles" (Sep 11th 2015, 2:35pm)


Saturday, September 12th 2015, 6:11pm



  • "Senpai" has been banned

Posts: 199

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Edit: I would come back and rek you myself just for the utter crap you speak. But I refuse to pay 10 euro to play a solo game (for the most part). Also not willing to endure the endless grind for gear. Bring on 7.0 =)



Saturday, March 19th 2016, 3:15pm

Posts: 58

Location: İstanbul/Turkey

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Yea there is no people on novograd that explains how we made 8th boss of eclipse raid as Anka Guild.There is people playing on p2p i am one of them.And as other players said to u, there is no afkers.Nearly all of us are old f2p players and we are pro ones.We know what to do and don't be afk at novograd.For example there is many people on f2p but some of them don't know how to play or don't trying to learn just time passing.We are less but more qualified :thumbup:

Note:This fault is only of management fault of is no advertising.We made better than they did.They should fix their management style :thumbdown:

If you are the same Delidumrul kak warden/mage that plays on the 'private' server. Which I assume you are given the unusual name. Then please. You are really no 'pro' afk in bg's doesn't qualify as pro.

Also, the level of the 'pros' that were on the server when I still played really wasn't all that good tbh. Granted there were some good players (enough for 3 domi party's at least) which of course most quit for different reasons. Now if we back track to when the server got released, THEN the good players were active. Right up until the last weeks of 4.0. The level of skill decreased dramatically past then. If it wasn't for the EU NA merge it would of been even worse.

Please go PvP some real players before you make bold statements like the "More qualified". Aint hard to be good on the P2P server, you've only got best what, 6 people?

Edit: I would come back and rek you myself just for the utter crap you speak. But I refuse to pay 10 euro to play a solo game (for the most part). Also not willing to endure the endless grind for gear. Bring on 7.0 =)
No actually i didn't played on any server with delidumrul nickname.And never played as a warden or a mage.What is the point of ur offensive language i really couldnt get it.But it was fun on p2p with good and bad memories.I was really good geared and was a good tank,warrior for my guild.Anyways everything passed away i have closed the doors for allods and other games as well.Have fun with 7.0 if u can. :thumbsup:


Saturday, March 19th 2016, 7:01pm

I would love to see some of you "pros" from the p2p server PvP against some of the f2p players like Artocys, OshiMoshi, and many others...I think that would change your statement very quickly. ;)
OshiMoshi is one of the worst allods player because as all bad players on pay or cheat to win servor, he used to play always in full cash shop mode ( 13 level runes :D so pro customer :thumbsup: )and is only able to perform with the over-imba class atm (palatank :pinch: ) for having huge avantage against other classes, so it's one of the best pvp noob of the whole servor i think

edit : and i think artocys is 11 11 11/11 11 11 rune level so it's a noob too

This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "Lacrymoza" (Mar 19th 2016, 7:56pm)


Saturday, March 19th 2016, 8:11pm



Posts: 141

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I would love to see some of you "pros" from the p2p server PvP against some of the f2p players like Artocys, OshiMoshi, and many others...I think that would change your statement very quickly. ;)
OshiMoshi is one of the worst allods player because as all bad players on pay or cheat to win servor, he used to play always in full cash shop mode ( 13 level runes :D so pro customer :thumbsup: )and is only able to perform with the over-imba class atm (palatank :pinch: ) for having huge avantage against other classes, so it's one of the best pvp noob of the whole servor i think

edit : and i think artocys is 11 11 11/11 11 11 rune level so it's a noob too
Although both them players aren't "pros", that term is used lightely, they're not bad and by all means their success isn't due to their cashshop.
Both of those players put alot of time and effort into testing and experimenting and generally playing which has lead to their skill level, the fact is the large majority of the current population consists of recycled accounts bringing the average rune level up too 10s+ maybe even pushing 11s, so the pay-2-win factor is depleted, you're just the same old salty victim you always were and you need a justification for your short comings.
/edit by Fayne: Please follow the Signatur Rules


Sunday, March 20th 2016, 1:32am

Although both them players aren't "pros", that term is used lightely, they're not bad and by all means their success isn't due to their cashshop.
Both of those players put alot of time and effort into testing and experimenting and generally playing which has lead to their skill level, the fact is the large majority of the current population consists of recycled accounts bringing the average rune level up too 10s+ maybe even pushing 11s, so the pay-2-win factor is depleted, you're just the same old salty victim you always were and you need a justification for your short comings.

I havent been playing the game for some time but its fun to see that some people never change and still got worked up over the same things over and over again .You have to give Lacry points for stuborness of a human sized glacier .Thats downright amazing !
"If I have a bullet with your name on it, I will just keep on firing till I figure out which one is it"

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