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Tuesday, September 1st 2015, 4:33am

Do many people still play?

Hello im jakke31 was wondering if a lot of people still play cause id like to come back and play im getting bored with my current selection of games and just looking for a traditional mmo similar to WoW but not in the form of WoW if u catch my drift lol

ive tried elder scrolls online and found myself bored cause of 15 days per level on f2p x.x


Tuesday, September 1st 2015, 6:15am

Yes many people still play the game.
This game is heavy focused on the end game content, so if you are just starting out, you will not see many if any low level players running around as they are rushing towards end of the game.
You will have a lot to catch up on as Cash Shop items as there are many, gear will be easy.

To fully enjoy the game, you will need a lot of work put in the game, if you catch my drift. ;)


Tuesday, September 1st 2015, 6:45am

there are many players on the f2p server and on the p2p server its a desert...


Thursday, September 3rd 2015, 1:46am


Thursday, September 3rd 2015, 11:51am

there are many players on the f2p server and on the p2p server its a desert...

There was some WH, DF, Cargallas and 3v3 happening on the p2p yesterday. I would not call it a desert, just low population.


Thursday, September 3rd 2015, 3:05pm

well actually there ARE humans who live in deserts.. just not so many :P


Thursday, September 3rd 2015, 5:44pm



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there are many players on the f2p server and on the p2p server its a desert...

There was some WH, DF, Cargallas and 3v3 happening on the p2p yesterday. I would not call it a desert, just low population.

Lies its so dead its sad.

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