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This post has been edited 2 times, last edit by "Gladia" (Sep 9th 2015, 10:48pm) with the following reason: title
Yeah Same Problem!!Hello all,
Latest surprise maintennace ''fixed'' the possibility to play the game for me and seems also for some of members of my guild. The problem consist in : stucking -dc-ing in teleports ,slow teleports ,falling though textures ,half of Novograd buildings missing,its like moon walking or few seconds;then all going ok..after like 20 seconds fps dropping from 65 to 11 ,ping suddenly yellow or red ..
My question is ,how many of you experiencing this situation ,because i 've seen ppls complaining a lot and if the technical side knows about this.
What i tried to do : updated client through the official launcher ,cleared client cache ,reset my router ,pc ,and ,as final solution ,i clean reinstalled the game .None of those things helped.
Wondering if the weekly maintenance will take place tomorrow and if will fix the problem. So,what about you others ,having the same situation?