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Saturday, December 12th 2015, 9:37am

So you just literally put all players on list who plays actively on server and has highest gearscore.Also just some old Void players. :thumbsup:
Empire Roinatan
League Bafflyndelion


Saturday, December 12th 2015, 10:25am



(Canneloni, Yagubo)



(Fiddler, Nuke, Geekiens)

Biased opinions. No one gives a shit. Blabla


Saturday, December 12th 2015, 12:02pm



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Location: Isle of Man (UK)

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>League: Healer: laela

Yes. She is. She know her class very well.

But what about me (Jexon): In 5.0.2 I was active and yeah, I played pretty much with fun (full legy gears). But I disagree about depending this list from activity of players or their top GearScore. I just comed back to allods online after long break (more than half an year)

P.S. As I can see - players stil remember me :) That's awesome.
Anyway, thanks for interesting thread, Fawkes. It's so nice to see that p2p server still interesting for discussions. :)

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Jexon" (Dec 12th 2015, 3:58pm)


Saturday, December 12th 2015, 12:24pm



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empire: baua powa

league: Slackerboys

@Azir, on what is your list based? PvE ? PvP? Ganking of low geared people?
For me a "good" player is someone who can play with everyone in a group and still do progress.
(Of course in a balanced group)

So you just literally put all players on list who plays actively on server and has highest gearscore.Also just some old Void players.

but still nice idea, would love to see a list after 7.0
Мелоетта(Paladin) /Милоетта (Mage)
Server: Russian P2P
Fraction: League


Saturday, December 12th 2015, 1:33pm



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joke :D rlly nice joke :P
Russian p2p / leauge side / Ремпэйдж


Saturday, December 12th 2015, 2:47pm

need A name


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Somehow sad that we can do player-lists from our server which containing at least half of our server population. :thumbup:

By the way, you may remove my name on the list (Gwyn); I'm not as good as bard as you may think. Just started this class some weeks ago 'cause of pure boredom which overcomes me sometimes on this server and for some variety.
I used to be a plate-heal, which still is my favorite and best-played class.

Teeny is a way better bard than I am. So you may exchange the names.
"Two things are infinite: The universe and human stupidtiy...I'm not so sure about the universe." - Albert Einstein


Saturday, December 12th 2015, 3:37pm

Somehow sad that we can do player-lists from our server which containing at least half of our server population. :thumbup:

By the way, you may remove my name on the list (Gwyn); I'm not as good as bard as you may think. Just started this class some weeks ago 'cause of pure boredom which overcomes me sometimes on this server and for some variety.
I used to be a plate-heal, which still is my favorite and best-played class.

Teeny is a way better bard than I am. So you may exchange the names.

A list like that is completely irrelevant due to the numbers and average player quality on the P2P server.
There're a few players who could buy a morpher and in two days make a better player in certain classes than pretty much anyone listed above.

In fact, there're probably only about 3 players who could be considered actually best for their classes currently: Buuhuu for Summoner, Dala for Psi and Gibe for Paladin. Everything else is interchangeable pretty much.
Stargazer - P2P League
Hiren - P2P Empire


Saturday, December 12th 2015, 4:55pm



  • "Azir" started this thread

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I based my list on what I have seen from each player using there class from healing skill to lasting long in pvp with out dying from how much dps they put out, and as I said I my have missed some people on the list it was just a rough draft :)


Saturday, December 12th 2015, 5:25pm

A list like that is completely irrelevant due to the numbers and average player quality on the P2P server.
There're a few players who could buy a morpher and in two days make a better player in certain classes than pretty much anyone listed above.

In fact, there're probably only about 3 players who could be considered actually best for their classes currently: Buuhuu for Summoner, Dala for Psi and Gibe for Paladin. Everything else is interchangeable pretty much.
Numbers are low, but average player quality on p2p server is not that low(in comparison).

I'm sure that noone will be able to master a class in 2 days. If you say so than I think you don't know much about master level. It's much more than just pro. But I agree that it's possible to play pro even after few hrs.

And about this best of their classes.

There is always someone who's the best. Even if he's not a master of his class he can be best on the server :P

But lists like these are all based on personal opinions:P

A fructibus eorum cognoscetis eos.
Muriel - Avarice - Smugglers Paradise - League


Sunday, December 13th 2015, 6:00am

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I think we should also create a ranking that lists the biggest drama queens

and ofc:



Sunday, December 13th 2015, 5:49pm



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Jexon and laela.... Yes i know u ...i remember well. U was awesome and Kind to good old Taleron.

Laelas Allods Website is down so i thought something aweful happened ( Allods Oracle).

I thought u quit because i never saw u two again...

I am glad to hear from u,



Sunday, December 13th 2015, 6:00pm



Posts: 367

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Somehow sad that we can do player-lists from our server which containing at least half of our server population. :thumbup:

16 imps x 2=32

19 ligs x 2= 38
70 Players on P2P on both fractions

Thats a good result.

If all inactive lvl 65 chars would be played again it could easily could be 200-300 ppl on P2P.


Tuesday, December 15th 2015, 10:58am

Utopie want to make list in a empty server. He put all people who are playing right now an this server. Get brain.

And powerfull people are just overgeared. This is how the game works.

Maybe more balance in 7.0.


Tuesday, December 15th 2015, 11:32am



Posts: 367

Location: Germany, Berlin

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1.Making a list with active players isn t Bad.
2.Yes the only difference compared to FTP is that only gear and skill counts not CS Items.
3. Facing this i am pround to play on P2P
4.Most players will come back in 7.0, because gear reset.

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