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Thursday, December 24th 2015, 12:51am



  • "Halfing" started this thread

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Insight on current p2p server state

Hey smugglers

As of lately i'm wondering how the P2P server is doing. Can anyone legit from P2P server send me a message on how many people there are in league and in empires(rough estimate).
Also if possible how guilds are doing, both sides, skillwise and population.

Thanks in advance


Thursday, December 24th 2015, 2:08am



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Well on empire you got Utopie and Immortal kings, Utopie is run by Shaffou and Immortal kinds is run by Buuhuu.. On league you got Avarice i dont know who runs it now may still be Gibe, You also have the new guild Escaflowne I dont know who leads that guild.

As for pop of each guild on a good day Utopie has around 20 one at once sometimes a lot of the time its 15 but I also see others online at different times of the day. Avarice has alot of players still gearing as far as I know but will not take them long :thumbsup: The pop is still low though hoping in 7.0 more people will come and if they give us a month of free sub that will help. also once allods comes to steam that will help the pop as well. So for now its still at a low but it will get better I still see new players joining each day..

Skill wise each side has there skilled players and each side has there players that are still learning there classes,

So its up to you if you wish to join or not :P


Thursday, December 24th 2015, 2:31am



Posts: 188

Location: Pappkarton, in der Gosse 7

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Before I give my statement about current situation I want to remind you that we are at we are at the end of a season at the moment.
Also a lot people do vacation (allods break) because christmas and new year. A LOT people won't buy subscription until next big patch pops. If you plan to come back then please wait for the next patch. (my personal advice)

Population in general = low

Since I tried both sides..


Empire has the "strongest" guild at the moment. They also have the best equipped people.
Last time I checked there were about 20 activ people.
Lately they also did raids and they are first (mostly) in dominion for a long time.
But all in all they have zero organization and they are known to make people stop playing this game / not staying in this game / fraction.
(By ganking low geared people and shit spreading) ->…d&threadID=9809

There is also a german guild. People there are way more friendly and dertemined. At the moment a lot people are doing break, so you won't see many of them. I just hope that they can do their start with the next patch.
Last time I checked there were about 10 activ people.


Here we have Avarice as the strongest league guild. After a short break a small wave of people came back / joined the server.
Last time I checked Avarice had about 10 - 15 activ people. In the night (CET) you see some NA players.
People there have better knowledge about classes / pvp and raids.
A lot strong people just came back or are in standby mode. Even when there is almost nothing to do this guild still trys to help people to enjoy the game and prepare for next patch. I would say this guild has way more organization than empire, but also a lot more drama.

Then we have Escaflowne, small guild out of runaways. There are some people that splitted up from Avarice and some new people that joined the server. At the moment there are about 8 - 10 really activ people. Escaflowne is mostly preparing for the next patch. They also invite people to guild and help them to prepare, but there is not much hope for end content until the next patch.
If people are looking for a bit "content" then they should apply to Avarice.

-> as I know next patch comes in about 3 - 5 months

correct me if I am wrong ...
Мелоетта(Paladin) /Милоетта (Mage)
Server: Russian P2P
Fraction: League

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Ringelblume" (Dec 24th 2015, 2:41am)


Thursday, December 24th 2015, 2:51am



  • "Halfing" started this thread

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Thanks for the replies so far.

Appreciate it!


Thursday, December 24th 2015, 2:58am



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If you need anything let me know I enjoy helping others :thumbsup:


Thursday, December 24th 2015, 3:48am



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Almost everything was said...


and Immortal kings is run by Buuhuu

But I wanted to mention, that I'm not the leader of Immortal Kings, it's Aach :)

Also the amount of active playing players of each guild is very unstable. Often you see just a couple of players at specific times a day. Sometimes you've a bunch of them at the same time. But the core players you can see everyday, though they are not many :D

"Skillwise" everyone has a different opinion ... :whistling:
Utopie on empire for example did some bosses in ferris, but it seems there is a language barrier in communication sometimes, so it gets very unorganized (from what I've heard! I'm not in Utopie so I can't tell exactly whats going on there) but they have the manpower + Gear

In Immortal Kings we have (at least my opinion) more "skill in raids"* from what I've heard from some Utopie-members and (long ago) from what I've seen when I was Raid-Lead in Utopie. But we don't have as many players as Utopie has.

*movement, focus, etc.

For League side I can't tell much.


Thursday, December 24th 2015, 9:10am

Maybe a word from me (Muriel - GL of Avarice).

Imp side:
(imagine that I'm quotig Buuhuu here)


There is my guild Avarice, that is the biggest guild on League side. For a long time it was the only League guild and we were the strongest one on the server both in PvE and PvP(if there are some objections on this than I will elaborate with pleasure). After some time there was a split in guild. Turkish players as incoherent (language barrier, some cultural problem) decided to create their own guild Anka. Few other players that could no longer find their place in Avarice also joined Anka. Some weeks later this guild just dissapeared as we predicted. Those who remained came back to Avarice, excluding those who lost their spots in the guild forever. They tried to find their place on Imp side but were not wanted there. So after spreading some lies about Avarice there, they came back to League side, and because of their well know reputation they had to create new guild called Escaflaw. Population of this guild is small, but slowly growing. I don't expect that this guild will survive because of well known reptation of its leaders.

Population is not that bad but and many core players of Avarice took a break to start with new zeal on 7.0. Still we have many promissing new players. We are mainly focused on preparing for 7.0 but we still enjoy the game and it's content(launching scheduled raids). We are 2nd plance in dominion cause of gear difference and Utopies strategy to go with 1 man partys just to claim their 1st place. In our opinion it's killing the best PvP content in this game, but they don't accept our argumentation, and keep doing this. In 7.0 its getting fixed cause maximum number of groups that can join dominion is 4 for every guild. We are hoping for fresh start with 7.0 because we are in touch with many good players that plan to join our ranks.
Muriel - Avarice - Smugglers Paradise - League

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "didiw" (Dec 24th 2015, 9:16am)


Saturday, December 26th 2015, 2:23pm



  • "Senpai" has been banned

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Hey smugglers

As of lately i'm wondering how the P2P server is doing. Can anyone legit from P2P server send me a message on how many people there are in league and in empires(rough estimate).
Also if possible how guilds are doing, both sides, skillwise and population.

Thanks in advance

7.0 is the best bet for anything to do with this game, from what i hear through some peeps there will be some possible things to help with low pop on the p2p and more pop on f2p but we will see. Funny to see people still even playing on this server or even interested in it.


Tuesday, December 29th 2015, 11:38am



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@ Ringleblume : Please guy, don't speak about our organisation, you just know nothing cause when you were on Empire side and on Utopie guild, you never go on our forum to know our rules or organisation, but for your information, we have days and hours for raid and we have soon finish "gate project", without organisation, how can we do that ? ^^

I know you hate Utopie guild, but you can stop agressivity, we are just ennemy cause of the game, you are on Lig side and us on Empire side, i think it's not the good way to speak without know. Utopie is the oldest guild and biggest guild on this server, are you really sure we don't have organisation ? ^^

Have fun !
Le Shaf =^.^=
(Shaffou in game)
#Empire [Utopie / Smuggler's Paradise]


Tuesday, December 29th 2015, 1:04pm



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I don't hate any guild. I guess some people get something wrong. I don't like certain people on the server. Even when I left I didn't leave because of hate. I even visited forum very often to read all introductions of people and tactics for raid bosses. As I said, Utopie is the strongest guild at the moment, but I just remembered times when lowgeared people overrun Utopie. It's just about time till people are about at the same gear again, then you'll see what I mean. I also mentioned that you are doing raids and that you are top in dominion. Why can't you see the good things?

I can't do anything about that your people have to gank lowgeared people. How often didn't I attack people, because I know that they come back with a raid? It was even sad that a normal member had to say sorry for the behaviour of some people.
Every guild has good and bad things. I mostly don't mean it personally. In this case it isn't personally, because even when I joined Utopie I got whispers how Utopie is going. After a while it was confirmed by itself. I am sure there are reasons why people splitted up from Utopie.

Utopie is a strong guild, there is nothing to say againts that. So try to keep this in the next patch too, so that we can have nice pvp. If you want to talk more about details go ahead and send me a private message.

the guy
Мелоетта(Paladin) /Милоетта (Mage)
Server: Russian P2P
Fraction: League


Tuesday, December 29th 2015, 5:13pm

we have soon finish "gate project", without organisation, how can we do that ?
Oh how can you do that? I wonder. Easy mode and almost full gear. Let me know when you beat the first boss on hardmode, you have the gear and people for it, so its no excuse.


Tuesday, December 29th 2015, 10:26pm



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Gibe, you have more gear than me and ppl on your main group have more or same gear than me, we haven't more than you and you know it ^^
And, we don't speak about gear but organisation, don't mix all...

And, it's not the original subject.
Le Shaf =^.^=
(Shaffou in game)
#Empire [Utopie / Smuggler's Paradise]


Tuesday, December 29th 2015, 10:48pm

Gibe, you have more gear than me and ppl on your main group have more or same gear than me,
Interesting how you came to this conclusion. I Have 4 Fabled 66 items, you have 8. The point i was trying to make is that the more gear you have, the less organisation you need. Easy mode is easy mode, even more so with high gear. And this is very much on topic imho.


Sunday, January 3rd 2016, 1:33pm



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Right i saw you on vivarium few days ago and just noticed you stopped to gear up your char gibe, btw 102 k gs against 104 k gs difference is not really so big.
Le Shaf =^.^=
(Shaffou in game)
#Empire [Utopie / Smuggler's Paradise]


Sunday, January 3rd 2016, 1:38pm



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I stopped gearing too, because of gear reset in 7.0 only farming. Many ppl are inactive because of it.



Wednesday, January 20th 2016, 6:21am

I'll say this...there could potentially be more players if MY.COM actually advertised Allods on their's almost like they want to shut down the game.


Thursday, January 21st 2016, 10:56pm

it's almost like they want to shut down the game.

There was about 5 months delay on 6.0 launch compared to Russian servers and the content for this update was not available all at once, Russians developed it gradually and it was unlocked gradually with server-wide progress.

7.0 has a lot of content at once, all classes are completely redesigned and there's a lot of new quests, this means there's a lot of text to translate. That's why the delay is going to be bigger this time most likely.

7.0 launched on Russian servers on 25th of November. I would be really surprised if they launched it here before like April or even May, but if no announcements are made by then - it's pretty clear they are giving up on the game.

This post has been edited 1 times, last edit by "Dala" (Jan 21st 2016, 11:03pm)


Wednesday, January 27th 2016, 11:48pm



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NA connection

Hey! :)

I'm planning to play on the p2p server but I'm from Canada...
Anyone know how's the ping for NA players? Is it possible to play without experiencing too much lag?

Thanks alot!


Thursday, January 28th 2016, 3:06am

RE: NA connection

Hey! :)

I'm planning to play on the p2p server but I'm from Canada...
Anyone know how's the ping for NA players? Is it possible to play without experiencing too much lag?

Thanks alot!

latency will be no problem :)


Thursday, January 28th 2016, 3:30am



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Thank you !! :)

Subbing right now!

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