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  • Shellerowski


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About me

  • Hi I have played Allods since 2009 on my character Zmdx, in 2012 in moved to one of newely founded (back then) country-specific Polish server and made my character Sheller renamed Shellerowski after infamous server migration back in 2014. I play a little this days only feeding on nostalgia and missing the good days of allods when it wasn't complete pay2win. I am currently playing on f2p server (New Frontier). Nick - Shellerowski. I also have a character on p2p server named Sheller. Both of them are in empire. If you want to contact me do it via forum's mail service or in-game mail.
Sheller - Empire - Smuggler's Paradise
Shellerowski - Empire - New Frontier

Personal information

Posts (81)