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Oct 5th 1982 (41)
Vlad Tepes Draculea, malen, zeichnen, Edelsteinheilkunde, Filme, lesen, nordischer Schamanismus, Wölfe, Wölfe, Wölfe und Drachen, Fantasy (der Hobbit, Herr der Ringe, Marvel Filme usw...) ausserdem besuchen mein Mann und ich gerne Burgen, Schlösser, Burgruinen usw. und ich Grille gern
Monday, March 12th 2018, 7:49pm
Saturday, February 24th 2018, 11:38am
Saturday, February 24th 2018, 11:32am
Thursday, February 22nd 2018, 10:37am
Wednesday, February 21st 2018, 1:57pm