Code of Conduct

Welcome to the Allods Online Forums. To ensure that your stay/visit here is as pleasant and constructive as possible, please read and follow this Code of Conduct.

These Forums are intended to provide Allods Online players with a friendly environment to exchange information, get the latest news, share community-created content, interact with staff members, and discuss Allods Online with other members of the community. The forums also provide a place to report game bugs directly to the support team. This Code of Conduct explains the behavior that is expected of all community members. Your use of the Allods Online Forums constitutes acceptance of this Code of Conduct.

The GM Team and forum moderators have full discretion to address any behavior that they feel is inappropriate. Your membership and participation on these forums is a privilege and not a right. reserves the right to suspend or terminate your access to these forums and/or to the game itself at any time for reasons that include, but are not limited to, your failure to abide by this Code of Condect, Game Rules, and the Terms of Service.

The GMs and moderators of the Allods Online forums will handle posts that break this Code of Conduct and are inappropriate as they see them. However, we cannot review every post that is made on the forums instantly. Each post expresses the individual view of the author and neither, nor Games can be held responsible for the content of any post. Please report any inappropriate post using the report button above the post for review by a member of the GM or moderation team.

This Code of Conduct outlines specific examples. There will always be incidents that will be handled on a case-by-case basis by the GM Team and moderation staff. has the sole right to interpret and apply this Code of Conduct to any specific circumstance and situation, and its judgment is final.

Our Principles:

  • Keep it clean
  • Keep it civil
  • Be polite
  • Stay on topic
  • Share your knowledge
  • Report posts for removal if they violate these standards

By using these forums you agree to the following rules and guidelines, which will help develop a friendly environment in the Allods Online Forums:

  • Read the forums and use the search function before posting. There is a good possibility that your question has already been asked and there may be solutions.
  • Stay on topic and do not hijack another player's thread
  • Post your message once in the appropriate forum section and nowhere else. Duplicate posts/threads will be locked and/or removed without warning.
  • Use a relevant thread title that clearly indicates the subject of the thread.
  • The official languages of this forum are English, French, German and Turkish. Posts in any other languages will be removed.
  • Signatures must adhere to the Forum Signature Rules posted here.
  • Do not post in all capital letters, "leetspeek", use excessive punctuation, alternating lower case and capital letters, etc. Please refrain from these and other similar attention-seeking tactics to draw attention to your post.
  • Do not spam. This includes bumping posts any earlier than 24 hours if you are the last poster in the thread (be mindful that normal business hours are Mon-Fri 9:00a-6:00p PST), making posts just quoting other posts, or making posts that lack content.
  • Be respectful to forum members, staff members, and moderators.
  • Do not post any private messages that you may have had. This includes messages from any of the GMs, forum moderators, or other users.
  • Do not use profanity, insults, or personal attacks. If you have a problem with another member then please contact a moderator.
  • Do not attempt to call-out, Mail.RU Games, or any GM Team member or moderator. Doing so will not get an answer to your question sooner and will result in post removal without warning.
  • Do not engage in personal attacks against, Mail.RU Games, or any GM Team member or moderator. Please note that abuse against, Mail.RU Games, or any GM Team member or moderator in forum posts or private messages may result in forum account termination.
  • Do not submit "trolling" posts or threads. We define "trolling" as posting inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages with the intent of provoking overly strong, negative, and/or emotional responses, to mislead other users, to derail threads, and/or engaging in personal attacks on another user.
  • Do not engage in personal attacks against forum members. Posts that attack another member, single out a player for ridicule, or accuse someone of inappropriate in-game actions will be removed without notice and further actions may be taken by the GM or Moderation Teams. In-game rule violations should be reported directly to our Support Team.
  • Do not debate GM Team/Customer Support decisions or actions. Threads or posts designed to announce, appeal, or contest your own or another player's temporary or permanent ban, either in-game or on the forums, will be removed without notice.
  • Do not post about locked, deleted, or otherwise moderated threads or posts. Moderation happens for a reason. If you have yet to see a comment on a thread locked by a member of the GM Team or a moderator, please wait for the comment to appear and do not post a new thread on the subject.
  • The forums have a word filter for a reason. Circumventing the word filter with creative spelling, etc. will result in your post being edited or removed without warning.
  • Please refrain from making a "necro-thread." These are threads that have gone for more than a month without activity and then someone posts on it. Your post will be removed.
  • Do not post "I demand an answer" threads, conspiracy threads, or comments about circumventing the rules.
  • Do not make alternate forum accounts. Players are permitted to post with only one account per person. Posting on more than one account will get the alternate account(s) permanently banned and the player will be subject to discipline at the discretion of the GM Team.
  • Do not post about a compromised account. Please contact our Support Team Here for issues such as this.
  • Do not post legal action threads. Using the forums or PMs to encourage, promote, endorse, or incite any kind of legal action against the company or any individual is strictly prohibited. Such content will be removed and the author will be permanently banned.
  • Posts about games outside of games are prohibited on these forums.
  • Do not post patch notes of any kind from other regions/versions of this game.

By using these forums you further agree not to take any action, upload, post, email, or otherwise transmit any content on these forums that:

  • Infringes or violates any third party rights.
  • Violates any law or regulation.
  • Transmits real-life personal information about other players or personnel.
  • Insults other characters, players, personnel, or groups of peoples.
  • Involves the use of illegal drugs or performing illegal activities.
  • Is harmful, threatening, abusing, harassing, tortuous, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, libelous, invasive of another's privacy, hateful, or is racially, ethnically, or otherwise objectionable.
  • Insults any aspect of sexual orientation pertaining to themselves or other players.
  • Promotes hatred of any kind, including that based on nation, race, religion, age, sex, gender-orientation, or culture.
  • Refers to violent sexual acts or real life violent actions, pornography, inappropriate references to human anatomy or bodily functions, or content which refers to violence in any capacity that is not directly related to the game world.
  • Advertises any businesses, organizations, websites, or other games. This includes "junk mail", "spam", "chain letters", "pyramid schemes", or any other form of solicitation.
  • That discusses any cheats, hacks, viruses, or other computer programming routines that are intended to damage, interfere with, surreptitiously intercept or expropriate any system, data, or personal information. If you would like to legitimately report such materials then please contact our Support Team Here.
  • Attempts to gain access to a password, other account information, or other private information. Remember: personnel will NEVER ask for your password. Do not reveal your password or share your account with anyone.
  • Advertises or solicits the sale or trade of a account, any accounts or items from another game, gold or items for real world currency, or to promote or aid in any such transaction.

Actions taken against offending posts/individuals will be dealt with by the GM Team or forum moderators and the user may or may not be notified of the action taken against the post.

This Code of Conduct is based on common sense. The rules are intended to keep the Allods Online Forums a useful, pleasant, and constructive place for players to interact with other players and with staff members. We ask for your cooperation and support in creating a healthy, constructive place to achieve these goals.

Thank you for being a part of the Allods Online community! We welcome suggestions and feedback and have a forum section dedicated to that. We also accept submissions of feedback and suggestions via our Support System.
