Spooky Halloween Sale!
Spooky Halloween Sale!


Zombies are crawling around Yasker's Tower and the Elven Quarter. Astral Demons are not just a nightmare anymore. Gibberling children are already hiding under their little beds, and Orcs are carrying out ancient rituals while wearing garlic wreaths to scare the ghosts away.

Halloween is here on Sarnaut and you are late for the Monster's Ball!

The Witch's Broom will provide you with the fastest way to travel around Sarnaut, though be mindful that this special Halloween item will only be usable during the Halloween event in game. Once the Halloween event ends on November 14th, the broom cannot be used anymore, so be sure to use this time to speed around in style!

Halloween wouldn't be the night of the Horror without our exclusive accessories for the Monster's Ball! From the 31st of October until the 14th of November, our spooky items will be available in the Boutique!

Check out the free broom available in the shop! It will be available for an entire week! Do you want to keep this broom forever? Then you can also buy it (for normal and premium crystals) in our Boutique!

«Allods Team»
