Prophetic Cards: Great Feast
Prophetic Cards: Great Feast


Hooray! Ancient Compasses have just appeared in the rarities shop, which means that the long-awaited «Prophetic Cards» sale has started.

The visuals on the images displayed on our website may slightly differ from the in-game items due to the technical features of image rendering.
Thick Shell Allows you to obtain a unique mount - a Lobster with the Chef's Lobster color pattern.

It will increase your movement speed by 160% (f2p) /155% (p2p)
Steel Ladle Allows you to obtain a unique mount - a Pestle with the Borscht color pattern.

It will increase your movement speed by 160% (f2p) /155% (p2p)

Enchanted broom throws dust in the eyes of your enemy, temporarily blinding them.
Long Whisker Allows you to summon Unicycle with the Imperial Shrimp color pattern.

It will increase your movement speed by 160% (f2p) /155% (p2p)

Has the ability to dash forward and up to clear small obstacles and can increase its speed to the maximum, moving forward for 5 seconds without stopping.
Appetizing Morsel Allows you to summon the Magic Carpet with the Pancake color pattern.

It will increase your movement speed by 160% (f2p) /155% (p2p)

Has an ability that increases its movement speed for 2 seconds and protects from attacks.
Legendary Chef's Wardrobe Contains the Legendary Cook costume.


While the treasure hunt is on, monsters of about your level will drop Prophetic Cards, which can be deciphered using Ancient Compasses bought at the Boutique. Also, Cards can be purchased from Holiday Committe Officials in Novograd and Nezebgrad, and Compasses can be received from them for exceptional feats!
Using the Compasses and the Prophetic Cards, heroes can find unique mounts, whole deposits of Crystal Chips and Gold Dust, useful items and an incredible range of costumes and accessories!
Don't forget that among other values you can get useful elixirs and provisions, with which you can temporarily strengthen the attacking and defensive abilities of your character.

By the way, a unit of provisions obtained through the «Prophetic Cards» can be exchanged for any essence. The expiration date of the essence is inherited from the lifespan of the provision that you have exchanged.

Smugglers Paradise

All rewards obtained from Prophetic Cards have no significant effect on a character's playing power. Similar items can be obtained in-game.

Prophetic Cards can be obtained as trophies for killing monsters or bought from Holiday Committee Officials in the faction capital.
As you search for the treasure, you can find Cores for changing your class, Astral Replicators, Universal Tools, Amalgam Packs, various battle potions and even Core Storage!
The rewards for killing mighty ennemies in the Observatory and Nihaz Citadel will now be available for the Thick Shell, Long Whisker, Appetizing Morsel, Steel Ladle and the Legendary Cook Costume.



Please note that Sealed Core Storage unpacks into Cores with a duration of 14 days.

The event will be end on December 31st.

Have fun!

«Allods Team»
