Prophetic Cards on the Subscription Server!
Prophetic Cards on the Subscription Server!


With the help of Prophetic Cards and Ancient Compasses, every player on the subscription server can take part in a treasure hunt.

As you search for the treasure, you can find Cores for changing your class, Astral Replicators, Universal Tools, Amalgam Packs, various battle potions and even Core Storage!

All rewards obtained from Prophetic Cards have no significant effect on a character's playing power. Similar items can be obtained in-game.
Glowing Raven Feather Allows you to summon a unique mount - a Bird with the «Phosphorus» color pattern! The Raven can flap its wings to fly over short distances. You can perform another flap of wings when you are in the air.
Mystical Sailplane Keychain Allows you to summon a unique mount - a Sailplane with the «Soul of Darkness» color pattern! It can fly for a short time, covering great distances. The rider takes no damage from falling.
Metal Scale Allows you to summon a unique mount: a Fish with the «Abyssal Horror» color pattern! Traps the enemy in a whirlpool, preventing them from performing any actions for 30 seconds. When you dismount, the fish leaves a protective bubble around its master that absorbs damage equal to 30% of their maximum health.
Mechanical Pegasus Horseshoe Allows you to obtain a unique mount - a Pegasus with the «Miracle of Technology» color pattern. It can leap in the air for a short time and cover a great distance (cooldown is 50 seconds at level 1). Pegasus also heals its owner's wounds. The rider takes no damage from falling.
Please note that Sealed Core Storage unpacks into Cores with a duration of 14 days.



Prophetic Cards can be obtained as trophies for killing monsters or bought from Holiday Committee Officials in the faction capital.

This offer will last from 01.10-31.10.2022

Good luck in your search!

«Allods Team»
