Sale: Box of Tears of the Dragon
Sale: Box of Tears of the Dragon


A Box of Tears of the Dragon has appeared in the Allods Boutique! The promotion will last until December 24th and will allow participants to get the Eternal Tear of the Dragon, the Solar Tear of the Dragon, and many consumable Unstable Rainbow Tears.

The item is relevant for the heroes of the maximum level! Please note that you will not get Collector's Coins for opened treasures, and there is no daily lottery.

Opening boxes may give you the following valuable items:

Eternal Tear of the Dragon Required to use certain class abilities.

Not consumed after use..
Solar Tear of the Dragon Required to use certain class abilities.

Not consumed after use. Available for 180 days.
Packed Unstable Rainbow Tear of the Dragon Used to activate certain class abilities.

10 pieces can be exchanged for a shard of Crystal Tear of the Dragon;

30 pieces can be exchanged for a shard of Diamond Tear of the Dragon;

50 pieces can be exchanged for a shard of Solar Tear of the Dragon.

Consumed after use.

You can also find:

Shard of Eternal Tear of the Dragon Combine 100 of these shards to obtain an Eternal Tear of the Dragon.

Depending on the quality of the dragon's tears, the characteristics of the skills of the character who use them will be enhanced. The higher the quality of the tear, the higher the damage and the duration of the skill, as well as the ability recovery reduction time!

«Allods Team»
