Sale: Radiant Strongbox of the Mentor
Sale: Radiant Strongbox of the Mentor


Radiant Strongboxes of the Mentor have arrived in the Boutique! Within them you can find up to 275 additional character Stat Points and the Essence of Perfection, which increases your power stat for each part of the Study of Perfection.

Each time you open a strongbox, you’ll get a Collector’s Coin — special currency that you need to buy goods from the Goblin Banker’s assortment. This item can be used by heroes of any level.

Hurry up: the Strongbox of the Mentor will be gone from the Boutique on 14th of March!

You can get the following valuables by opening chests:
Essence of Perfection The owner of the Essence can reach perfection in martial arts. By using its magic, a character from level 80 and above can get 100 points of might for each part of the Study of Perfection.

Characters between level 20 and 80 will get a reduced anmount of might for each part of the Study of Perfection depending on their current level.

Lifespan is 182 days.
Seal of Perfection The owner of this Seal can reach perfection in martial arts. By using its magic, the character will get 45 additional Stat Points to spend.

A Seal can be traded for 3 Chapters from the Study of Perfection. Five Seals can be traded for an Essence of Perfection.

The item’s duration is 182 days.
Epigraph to the Study of Perfection Reading this document will grant you 20 additional Stat Points.
Apocrypha of Perfection Reading this apocrypha will grant you 60 additional Stat Points.
The Study Of Perfection Reading this document will grant you 60 additional Stat Points.

Three Studies of Perfection can be traded for an Apocrypha of Perfection.
Sealed Chapter from the Study of Perfection This scroll will grant you 30 additional Stat Points.

This document can be traded for a Chapter from The Study of Perfection. Three of these documents can be traded for a Seal of Perfection.
Sealed Page from the Study of Perfection" Reading this document will grant you 30 additional Stat Points.

Can be traded for a Page from the Study of Perfection. Three of those can be traded for 10 Seal of Perfection Shards.
Paragraph from "The Study of Perfection" Reading this document will grant you 30 additional Stat Points.

Collect 10 such documents to trade them for a Page from the Study of Perfection.

Apart from that, you can also find:

Shard of Seal of Perfection 100 of these shards can be combined into a Seal of Perfection, which grants you 45 additional Stat Points lasting half a year.

A Shard Seal of Perfection can be traded for 3 Part of Study of Perfection Shards.

The duration of the received seal is equal to the duration of the shards.
Fragile Apocrypha of Perfection (for 7 days or 21 days) Reading this apocrypha will grant you 60 additional Stat Points.

Fragile Apocrypha can be traded for 1 (7 days) or 2 (21 days) Seal of Perfection Shards.

Permanent and temporary bonuses of the same quality do not stack up! Skills and abilities obtained with the help of this item are provided for a limited time equal to the item’s remaining duration.
Fragile Study of Perfection (for 7 days or 21 days) Reading this document will grant you 60 additional Stat Points.

Fragile Study of Perfection can be traded for 1 (7 days) or 2 (21 days) Fragment(s) of the Chapter from The Study of Perfection.

Permanent and temporary bonuses of the same quality do not stack up! Skills and abilities obtained with the help of this item are provided for a limited time equal to the item’s remaining duration.
Fragile Chapter from the Study of Perfection (for 7 days or 21 days) Reading this document will grant you 30 additional Stat Points.

Fragile Chapter can be traded for 5 (7 days) or 10 (21 days) Chapter of Study of Perfection Fragments.

Permanent and temporary bonuses of the same quality do not stack up! Skills and abilities obtained with the help of this item are provided for a limited time equal to the item’s remaining duration.
Spinner Sneaky little Spinner will follow you everywhere!
Mini-Titan The smallest hammerer in the world. And the most belligerent one. He will follow you everywhere and share the joy of your victories!
Clockwork Scarab A skillfully crafted windup toy will be following you everywhere!
Strongbox of the Mentor Bonus chests.

The durations of fragile items stack up. For example, if you activate two seven-day Apocryphas, you will get 60 Stat Points for 14 days. The total duration of temporary bonuses is unlimited!

Daily Lottery:

Every player who opens a Radiant Strongbox of the Mentor will automatically join a unique lottery.

Each day, the player who opened more strongboxes than anyone else shall receive a Temporary Triad Siege Turret, Ship Design Pack, Kelpie: Lightning Bolt & Flaming Dragon's Scale - while incentive prizes, such as Gold and Crystal Chips, are also sent out to the players from the 1st to the 50th ranking.

1st Temporary Triad Siege Turret (7 days)
Ship Design Pack
Kelpie: Lightning Bolt
Flaming Dragon's Scale
6,000 Crystal Chips
3 000 000 Gold
2nd Ship Design Pack
Flaming Dragon's Scale
6,000 Crystal Chips
1 000 000 Gold
3rd-5th 6,000 Crystal Chips
1 000 000 Gold
6th-10th 2,400 Crystal Chips
500 000 Gold
11th-50th 500 000 Gold

Lottery results are announced daily at noon - and remember - once the "Radiant Strongbox of the Mentor" sale ends, so do the lotteries!

«Allods Team»
