Summer Collector's Editions!
Summer Collector's Editions!


The road to the sweet kingdom has never been so short: caramels, cherries, strawberries and mountains of powdered sugar will completely cover everyone who dares to take even a bite.

We invite you, traveler, to this world of cotton candy and lollipops. Just be careful, the main thing here is not to get caught! We are pleased to announce that the “Surprise Candy” and “Surprise Cake” sets are available for purchase.

Valuables from the collector's editions will be available on all your characters, including new ones.

"Surprise Candy" Collector's Edition

In addition to the items that make the game more comfortable, the "Surprise Candy" set includes Cherry the pet.

Item Description Free server Subscription server
Sealed Tool Pack Includes 20 Experimental Replicators and 20 Dominion tools for free server. 20 Universal Tools and 20 Experimental Replicators are available for the subscription server.

Once unpacked, the tools will last for 14 days.
1 1
Fragile Clear Rune of Level 10 Automatically determines the character’s Patron and transforms into a corresponding level 10 Fragile Rune.

Can be exchanged for 3200 Crystal Chips.
1 -
Cherry A cherry on top! Collects loot for you. 1 1
Large Creator's Symbol of Abundance Use this item to transform 100 measures of World Elixirs into 800 measures of World Elixirs. The resulting World Elixirs will be bound to you.

Item lifetime: 30 days from the date of delivery to the character's mail.
10 -
Mana Battery Used to activate some Adaptive Armour skills - 20
Memory Module Can be used to change the current set of abilities of your Adaptive Shell. - 10
Subscription Time - 30 days

"Surprise Cake" Collector's Edition

A large number of items useful to the game can be obtained from the "Surprise Cake" set, which includes a unique Candy Guard's Gear as well as Strawberry, another pet.

Item Description Free server Subscription server
Sealed Tool Pack Includes 20 Experimental Replicators and 20 Dominion tools for free server. 20 Universal Tools and 20 Experimental Replicators are available for the subscription server.

Once unpacked, the tools will last for 14 days.
2 2
Fragile Clear Rune of Level 13 Automatically determines the character’s patron and transforms into a corresponding level 13 fragile rune.

Can be exchanged for 10000 Crystal Chips.
1 -
Strawberry A sweet strawberry from the Jelly Island will make your day better! Collects loot for you. 1 1
Candy Strongbox Contains all parts of the Candy Guard attire. Shipped from the Jelly Island by the Free Traders. 1 1
Candy Guard's Gear Candy Kingdom is the friendliest kingdom of Sarnaut. Why fight enemies if you can treat them to the most delicious sweets and desserts? Every resident of the kingdom is also its guard, and they always carry a bit of sweet joy with them. 1 1
Manabike Color Pattern: Banana Split Dessert color pattern for the Manabike. 1 -
Manabike Coupon with reactor Allows purchasing Manabike Keychain at the Boutique at a fixed price of 4,500

The coupon will disappear after the purchase of the specified product.
1 -
Sweet Manabike Keychain Allows you to obtain Deactivated Manabike with the Banana Split color pattern. Manabike uses its engines to release bursts of energy that allow it to gain speed quickly.

It will increase your movement speed by 160% (F2P), 155% (P2P).
- 1
Relic Purification Manuscript This scroll can remove a curse from items of any quality.

Not consumed after use. Item lifetime: 30 days from the date of delivery to the character's mail.
1 -
Sealed Omnificent Core Morpher Allows you to change the class and race of your main character or one of its incarnations to any other class, at the same time replacing all upgraded equipment with equivalent equipment suited to the new class. If there is already an incarnation of this class, then you won’t be able to transfer shared skills between them. This morpher cannot be used more often than once every 10 minutes.

After unsealing, the morpher survives for 7 days. Not consumed after use.
1 1
Large Creator's Symbol of Abundance Use this item to transform 100 measures of World Elixirs into 800 measures of World Elixirs. The resulting World Elixirs will be bound to you.

Item lifetime: 30 days from the date of delivery to the character's mail.
30 -
Mana Battery Used to activate some Adaptive Armour skills - 60
Memory Module Can be used to change the current set of abilities of your Adaptive Shell. - 30
Subscription Time - 60 days

You must buy the "Surprise Candy + Surprise Cake" pack to receive the bonus:

Item Free server Subscription server
Title: Sweet Tooth 1 1
Sugar-Dusted Card
Changes the appearance of the summoned Goblin Banker to Sweet Goblin Banker.
1 1

The sale will last until November 23rd.

If the collector's edition does not arrive at your in-game mailbox for more than three hours after purchase, please contact our Technical Support.

You can buy the collector's editions for €7,99 ,€19,99 and €26,99.



«Allods Team»
